It's the battle of the giants as Khali faces Andre! Khali is 7 foot 3, and Andre is a whopping 75 feet! That's only because road agents lined his bones up in a row. There was some talk that this match couldn't be done but Vince came to save the day. "Andre is dead, but he is still faster than Khali, so he will surely be able to hold his own", Vince said. "I am not worried about Andre's health either, because he is already dead and cannot be killed in the ring like he was at Wrestlemania 3."

Not much to say. Triple H, like Cena, has pinned every mid-carder and tag team in the history of the WWE. So why not do it again. So this year, Triple H will face the entire tag team division and a tank in a handicapped match. But Triple H has non-human powers, so the tag teams would all Pedigree themselves. Then Triple H would run them all over with the Tank. He would then destroy the Tank with his Sledgehammer. He would spine-buster all of the Tag Teams and then pin them all SLOWLY. Why does HUNTER pin all of them? He thinks about the future. A future where he pins new people. Just 'cause he feels like it.

Like Cena, Lashley is big and Muscular, so he needs an opponent to over come the odds against. What better to over come the odds against than a Vegas Slot machine! I know, it's horrible. Don't be shocked when The Machine cuts a better promo than Lashley.

What better to headline Wrestlemania than the unfinished feud between Mcmahon and God? Anything else. God will win. Mcmahon can't beat God. He'll strike him with lightning or something. Besides, God is still mad about thier last fued. Why do you think Benoit- I mean THE GUY WHO NEVER EXISTED died?

Wrestlemania couldn't be Wrsetlemania without the Hall of Fame ceremony. With no Holgans or Warriors this year, who else to induct into the hall of fame but The Where's The Beef Lady? With countless contibutions to the company (countless because you can't count under zero), she has earned her spot into the hall of fame. She's dead though, so representing her will be Mae Young, because she's old and- well, she's old.
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