Posted by Roadkill (No, I didn't leave. It was a Maypril Fools Joke)
It's that time of year again, kids. That time when you order a PPV around May 19th, but Kane isn't even angry. Not one bit. It's Judgement Day! This year, we have Kane in a sqaush match! HHH in a cage match! Cena in yet another sqaush match! Boy, watching this is probably going to be worse than the real Judgement Day. Anyway, here are my predictions for this uneventful PPV (Remember, I predict the matches in the order I want to see them):
Kane and CM Punk def. Miz and John Morrison WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH
This one wasn't a hard choice. It's pretty darn obvious that they'll win, and that Punk will turn on Kane after a title defense, and he'll win the ECW title thanks to the MITB case. WWE, you never fool me.
JBL def. John Cena
I originally thought Cena would win, but then I did some deep thinking. The winner of this match or Y2J/HBK will probably get the next WWE title shot. Jericho isn't ready yet, and his fued with Michaels is starting to get good, and I would like to see it last a little longer. JBL/Cena isn't exactly that good. Besides, we've seen this rivalry a million times already. I think JBL wins, and earns a #1 contender's spot on Raw.
BONUS MATCH: Umaga and Mark Henry def. Mr.Kennedy
There are only 6 matches tonight, and most of the outcomes are obvious. Kennedy/Regal was highly anticipated (by me atleast) but it's just not happening tonight. So, Regal makes Kennedy vs. Regal with the winner being King of the Ring. While Regal is entering, he announces that Umaga and Mark Henry will be representing him tonight. Kennedy is doing good. Umaga is out of the ring, and he is dominating Henry. He hits the Kenton Bomb, The Lambu Leap (Or was it Greenbay plunge? I forget.), and the Mic Check on Henry. Henry is out cold. While he is pinning him, Umaga belly flops Kennedy. He picks him up and Samoan Spikes him for the win. Everyone leaves, but Henry is still out cold. Big Show's music hits, and the crowd goes crazy. He is going to chokeslam Henry, but Mark reverses it into a World's Strongest Slam. Two fueds in one match. Pretty damn good, ain't it?
Mickie James def. Beth Phoenix, Melina WOMEN'S TITLE MATCH
Mickie wins after a Chick Kick (Mick Kick?) to Melina and one to Beth Phoenix.
Shawn Michaels def. Chris Jericho
HBK wins exactly how he won at Backlash. A Walls of Jericho injures his leg a little. He gets up and Superkicks the crap out of Jericho for a victory.
Edge and The Undertaker hit their finishers multiple times. The match ends after The Undertaker hits a Last Ride on Edge. Edge hangs on and locks in the Gogoplata. Taker taps, and Edge is the new WHC.
Triple H def. Randy Orton WWE TITLE STEEL CAGE MATCH
Triple H is the obvious choice here. I would like to see him Pedigree Orton at the top of the Cage, too. My guess is that JBL will be his next #1 contender.
Well, there you have it. I will be doing this again in 2 weeks for One Night Stand, where every match will be an extreme rules match. Because that worked SO well last year.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Posted by Roadkill
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You idiots, I'm not leaving Deadopossum! I can't, me and Deadopossum are friends! It was a Maypril Fools joke! Maypril Fools is every May 13th, dumbshits. For those of you who aren't familiar with this holiday, it's like April Fools, except it's Maypril Fools. Here are it's origins:
Maypril Fools is a great Holiday. A holiday of joking, and making people cry. A holiday of betraying freinds and pretending to quit your job. (PRETNDING TO QUIT JOB NOT ADVISED. I DID IT, AND NOW DUNDER MIFFLIN ISN'T RE-HIRING ME. I SHOULD WORK AT OFFICE MAX. THAT'LL SHOW 'EM.) The story of Maypril Fools goes back to the time of the old testament, with the first man who evolved from an 280 pound bear, Hulky Holgany. He didn't have any clothes, which was part of God's little Maypril fools joke. He stood by the sun for too long, making him turn Orange. Then he gave him Lindamarie, his wife. Of course, he had to pull him rib out to make her. You hear that women? You think pushing something out of your you-know-where hurts? He pulled his goddam rib out! Anyway, he got her name tattooed on his finger, but she filed for divorce shortly after. Hogan trashed the garden of eden, and walked around the world. Before he knew it it was 1919! The Russians were revolting against their tsars, and wanted a better leader. A leader like Vladmir Lenin. He gave Lenin $20 to be a communist and destroy Russia's good name. What a great Maypril Fools joke! He did the same to Stalin years later. In the 1960s, Hogany became a hippie. From then on, he used the term "brutha" alot. In 1997, the Hoganies happened to be in England. He got Nicky (his son) really drunk, and made him drive. Stupid Nick followed Princess Diana's car. Diana also died in a car crash that same day. Ain't that a real coinkidink?
Now that you know the origins of Mayprils Fools Day, be as mean as possible and act like you hate people. Also, tell them Roadkill said "F you." And... uh... "Happy Maypril Fools Day" too.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You idiots, I'm not leaving Deadopossum! I can't, me and Deadopossum are friends! It was a Maypril Fools joke! Maypril Fools is every May 13th, dumbshits. For those of you who aren't familiar with this holiday, it's like April Fools, except it's Maypril Fools. Here are it's origins:
Maypril Fools is a great Holiday. A holiday of joking, and making people cry. A holiday of betraying freinds and pretending to quit your job. (PRETNDING TO QUIT JOB NOT ADVISED. I DID IT, AND NOW DUNDER MIFFLIN ISN'T RE-HIRING ME. I SHOULD WORK AT OFFICE MAX. THAT'LL SHOW 'EM.) The story of Maypril Fools goes back to the time of the old testament, with the first man who evolved from an 280 pound bear, Hulky Holgany. He didn't have any clothes, which was part of God's little Maypril fools joke. He stood by the sun for too long, making him turn Orange. Then he gave him Lindamarie, his wife. Of course, he had to pull him rib out to make her. You hear that women? You think pushing something out of your you-know-where hurts? He pulled his goddam rib out! Anyway, he got her name tattooed on his finger, but she filed for divorce shortly after. Hogan trashed the garden of eden, and walked around the world. Before he knew it it was 1919! The Russians were revolting against their tsars, and wanted a better leader. A leader like Vladmir Lenin. He gave Lenin $20 to be a communist and destroy Russia's good name. What a great Maypril Fools joke! He did the same to Stalin years later. In the 1960s, Hogany became a hippie. From then on, he used the term "brutha" alot. In 1997, the Hoganies happened to be in England. He got Nicky (his son) really drunk, and made him drive. Stupid Nick followed Princess Diana's car. Diana also died in a car crash that same day. Ain't that a real coinkidink?
Now that you know the origins of Mayprils Fools Day, be as mean as possible and act like you hate people. Also, tell them Roadkill said "F you." And... uh... "Happy Maypril Fools Day" too.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Posted by Roadkill
It's too bad that this is the last time you'll see that POSTED BY ROADKILL thing up above. If you haven't already guessed, I'm leaving Deadopossum. I feel like I've been neglecting my other site.Also, me and Deadopossum aren't that close anymore. He said he hated me 1,000 freakin' times (he wasn't joking either. I'm dead serious. Me and Deadopossum have known each other for a long time. I can tell). He even beat me with a book titled, "The Castle in the Attic"! Also, there is no Majoordood. Actually, there is a Mojoordood. He is my little brother. He just didn't want to blog here, so I did all his blogging for him. So, basically, MAJOORDOOD IS A MADE-UP CHARACTER! Since that's the case, you've probably realized that I've been doing all the blogging here since God knows when. Oh wait, God does know when. February. It was February. So while Deadopossum sits on his ass and tells me "I'm busy. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I'll post something tonight", I'm writing the SD Rant and thinking of storylines. I see the site the next day but he hasn't blogged. That bullshit has been going on for months now, and I'm sick of it. It's no wonder Deadguy 1313 and CD619 bolted outa here all those months ago. If you want too see the wonderful writings of Roadkill, check out my other site, Oh, and my name isn't roadkill. I got that nick-name in 5th grade when I turned around and hit a girl with my backpack. Before you go, here are some segments that will be moved to my site:
The Smackdown Rant
Blast from the past PPV recapitation (I will write those very rarely, though)
I will spoof on songs
Also, I'm combining Best of the Week and the top ten. If you want to see it, go to . I will post it during the weekend. Before you go, I want to let you know you have a choice to make. You can visit my site and laugh, get inspired, and break the monitor when you get mad- or you can stay here and wait until Deadopossum blogs again- which should be around Wrestlemania 25. Your choice. Make the right one.
It's too bad that this is the last time you'll see that POSTED BY ROADKILL thing up above. If you haven't already guessed, I'm leaving Deadopossum. I feel like I've been neglecting my other site.Also, me and Deadopossum aren't that close anymore. He said he hated me 1,000 freakin' times (he wasn't joking either. I'm dead serious. Me and Deadopossum have known each other for a long time. I can tell). He even beat me with a book titled, "The Castle in the Attic"! Also, there is no Majoordood. Actually, there is a Mojoordood. He is my little brother. He just didn't want to blog here, so I did all his blogging for him. So, basically, MAJOORDOOD IS A MADE-UP CHARACTER! Since that's the case, you've probably realized that I've been doing all the blogging here since God knows when. Oh wait, God does know when. February. It was February. So while Deadopossum sits on his ass and tells me "I'm busy. Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I'll post something tonight", I'm writing the SD Rant and thinking of storylines. I see the site the next day but he hasn't blogged. That bullshit has been going on for months now, and I'm sick of it. It's no wonder Deadguy 1313 and CD619 bolted outa here all those months ago. If you want too see the wonderful writings of Roadkill, check out my other site, Oh, and my name isn't roadkill. I got that nick-name in 5th grade when I turned around and hit a girl with my backpack. Before you go, here are some segments that will be moved to my site:
The Smackdown Rant
Blast from the past PPV recapitation (I will write those very rarely, though)
I will spoof on songs
Also, I'm combining Best of the Week and the top ten. If you want to see it, go to . I will post it during the weekend. Before you go, I want to let you know you have a choice to make. You can visit my site and laugh, get inspired, and break the monitor when you get mad- or you can stay here and wait until Deadopossum blogs again- which should be around Wrestlemania 25. Your choice. Make the right one.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Posted by Majoordood and Roadkill
MD: Today we're here to talk about something serious. And not the kind of serious where Roadkill talks about crappy PPVs or cracks unfunny jokes that only a 3rd grader would find funny.
RK: Today we're here to make you laugh, cry, and maybe even break your monitor because you hate us. But let's start with the laughing. I'll go first. What's 40 feet long and smells like pee? Line dancers at the old folks home! Ain't I hilarious.
MD: First of all, Roadkill, ain't isn't a word. It's conveinient by meaning isn't, aren't, and not, but it still can't be a word. Second of all, you're not funny.
CHAVO GUERRERO: More like da' couwt jetstah, hahhahahhahhahhhha.
RK: What the hell was that?!
CG: It's me, Chavo Guerrero.
MD: Why the hell are you here?!
CG: I knew Roadkill would tell an unfunny joke, so I helped him out by saying something way funnier. I said that same line to CM Punk on SD a few weeks ago, you know.
RK: Chavo, you suck. You were a fluke champion and you rely on a human fence for protection. Speaking of which, didn't you have to jump over one of those to get to this country?
CG: How dare you! I, I...
RK: Whatchgonnadobrutha? Mow my lawn for $10?
CG: Watch out, Roadkill. Me and my L.A. gang member freinds will get you for this. You feel me, esse?
MD: Whatever. Let's get to our point. TNA Impact, WWE's rival promotion, has been beating the WWE in the ratings lately. If this continues, WWE may be no more.
RK: Yeah, it's time to pick a side. Do you want to spend Thursday nights watching The Office, 30 Rock, and My name is Earl on NBC, or do you want to waste your time with Impact?
MD: Yeah, and also, tonight's a good night for Scrubs, which is on NBC (8:30). I hear it's the last episode ever. Also, John Heder of Napolean Dynamite, Blades of Glaory, and School for Scoundrels will be on My Name is Earl tonight (8:00).
RK: Things are serious now. Pick a side. WWE or TNA.
MD: Before you go, you should know that at Wrestlemania 24, TNA was handing out fliers, advertising their show. Also, they had a blimp saying watch TNA go over the Citrus Bowl. Who would want to watch something with that business method.
RK: So think before you watch TNA. It could be the downfall of WWE.
MD: Hey, what's that brownish reddish van doing outside?
RK: I see- OH CRAP! CHAVO'S BACK. He's got his L.A. gang member freinds too. Hey he has other Mexicans. There's Mencia! Lopez! Vickie Guerrero! Joseph Mencia!
MD: There's a border patrol guy tied up in the back! Oh no, this is gonna be very very- HEY! THERE IT IS!
RK: Yeah, I see it too. It's Deady Guerrero's ghost.
MEXICANS: Holmes, we gotcha now. Watcha gonna do now, esse?
BORDER PATROL AGENT: You're in big trouble. I'm deproting all of you.
MENCIA: Oh no! People were actually starting to watch my show!
RK: Thanks for deporting Chavo for us.
MD: Yeah, now we're safe, and Kane has a new opponent.
BPA: Well, I'm not really a border patrol agent. I'm Edge.
EDGE: Yeah, the tiny Mexican was getting on my nerves. Vickie's out next, by the way.
RK: Of-
As Roadkill was writing that last sentence, he was sued by WWE because none of this actually happened, and Vince says it makes the company look bad. We counter-sued, and WWE lost, making us millionaires, making WWE go bankrupt. Well, look on the bright side- I'm rich, biotch.
MD: Today we're here to talk about something serious. And not the kind of serious where Roadkill talks about crappy PPVs or cracks unfunny jokes that only a 3rd grader would find funny.
RK: Today we're here to make you laugh, cry, and maybe even break your monitor because you hate us. But let's start with the laughing. I'll go first. What's 40 feet long and smells like pee? Line dancers at the old folks home! Ain't I hilarious.
MD: First of all, Roadkill, ain't isn't a word. It's conveinient by meaning isn't, aren't, and not, but it still can't be a word. Second of all, you're not funny.
CHAVO GUERRERO: More like da' couwt jetstah, hahhahahhahhahhhha.
RK: What the hell was that?!
CG: It's me, Chavo Guerrero.
MD: Why the hell are you here?!
CG: I knew Roadkill would tell an unfunny joke, so I helped him out by saying something way funnier. I said that same line to CM Punk on SD a few weeks ago, you know.
RK: Chavo, you suck. You were a fluke champion and you rely on a human fence for protection. Speaking of which, didn't you have to jump over one of those to get to this country?
CG: How dare you! I, I...
RK: Whatchgonnadobrutha? Mow my lawn for $10?
CG: Watch out, Roadkill. Me and my L.A. gang member freinds will get you for this. You feel me, esse?
MD: Whatever. Let's get to our point. TNA Impact, WWE's rival promotion, has been beating the WWE in the ratings lately. If this continues, WWE may be no more.
RK: Yeah, it's time to pick a side. Do you want to spend Thursday nights watching The Office, 30 Rock, and My name is Earl on NBC, or do you want to waste your time with Impact?
MD: Yeah, and also, tonight's a good night for Scrubs, which is on NBC (8:30). I hear it's the last episode ever. Also, John Heder of Napolean Dynamite, Blades of Glaory, and School for Scoundrels will be on My Name is Earl tonight (8:00).
RK: Things are serious now. Pick a side. WWE or TNA.
MD: Before you go, you should know that at Wrestlemania 24, TNA was handing out fliers, advertising their show. Also, they had a blimp saying watch TNA go over the Citrus Bowl. Who would want to watch something with that business method.
RK: So think before you watch TNA. It could be the downfall of WWE.
MD: Hey, what's that brownish reddish van doing outside?
RK: I see- OH CRAP! CHAVO'S BACK. He's got his L.A. gang member freinds too. Hey he has other Mexicans. There's Mencia! Lopez! Vickie Guerrero! Joseph Mencia!
MD: There's a border patrol guy tied up in the back! Oh no, this is gonna be very very- HEY! THERE IT IS!
RK: Yeah, I see it too. It's Deady Guerrero's ghost.
MEXICANS: Holmes, we gotcha now. Watcha gonna do now, esse?
BORDER PATROL AGENT: You're in big trouble. I'm deproting all of you.
MENCIA: Oh no! People were actually starting to watch my show!
RK: Thanks for deporting Chavo for us.
MD: Yeah, now we're safe, and Kane has a new opponent.
BPA: Well, I'm not really a border patrol agent. I'm Edge.
EDGE: Yeah, the tiny Mexican was getting on my nerves. Vickie's out next, by the way.
RK: Of-
As Roadkill was writing that last sentence, he was sued by WWE because none of this actually happened, and Vince says it makes the company look bad. We counter-sued, and WWE lost, making us millionaires, making WWE go bankrupt. Well, look on the bright side- I'm rich, biotch.
Posted by Roadkill
Hey guys. I'm bord as hell. Raw sucked again, ECW did too, and Smackdown will also. Oh wait, you don't know that yet, because I haven't posted the spoilers. Well, there's really nothing worth watching except maybe the main event. I won't post all the spoilers, because they were all qualifying matches for the main event, which was a battle royal for the world title. Batista won, but then Vickie Guerrero stripped him of the title and gave it to Edge, who will defend it against Taker at Judgement Day. Also, Kozlov beat a guy and Natalya beat Kelly Kelly.
In other new, George Lopez is still unfunny, the creative team re-wrote Raw, and SD at the last minute, and OH CRAP- I STILL HAVEN'T STARTED THE SMACKDOWN RANT. It's Thursday, and I haven't started it. But, I'll make it up to you. Next week, right here on Deadopossum, it's gon' be a double header. That's right dog, I'm making one large post with 2 weeks worth of SD Rants. Now holla atcha boy, playa.
Hey guys. I'm bord as hell. Raw sucked again, ECW did too, and Smackdown will also. Oh wait, you don't know that yet, because I haven't posted the spoilers. Well, there's really nothing worth watching except maybe the main event. I won't post all the spoilers, because they were all qualifying matches for the main event, which was a battle royal for the world title. Batista won, but then Vickie Guerrero stripped him of the title and gave it to Edge, who will defend it against Taker at Judgement Day. Also, Kozlov beat a guy and Natalya beat Kelly Kelly.
In other new, George Lopez is still unfunny, the creative team re-wrote Raw, and SD at the last minute, and OH CRAP- I STILL HAVEN'T STARTED THE SMACKDOWN RANT. It's Thursday, and I haven't started it. But, I'll make it up to you. Next week, right here on Deadopossum, it's gon' be a double header. That's right dog, I'm making one large post with 2 weeks worth of SD Rants. Now holla atcha boy, playa.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
The Top Ten: Week of 4/28/08
Posted by Majoordood
Here are this week's rankings:
Here are this week's rankings:
- Matt Hardy. Here's to the only person that retained his title without an off air delima.
- Miz and Morrison defended their titles successfully.
- William Regal now has alot of power with his GM job and his title as King of the Ring. He also took Raw off the air, helping Triple H retain his title. He also got into a brawl with Mr.Kennedy, which will probably lead to a match at Judgement Day.
- Triple H. With Regal's help, he won 2 title matches in one week- basically.
- Edge is probably going to be given the world champ as of next week.
- Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely. They beat Kane on ECW.
- Mike Adamle finally found his balls and left the arena during ECW.
- Tazz surprisingly followed him.
- Kofi Kingston had a win against Shelton Benjamin on ECW.
- Victoria and Nasty Neidhart beat Michelle Mcool and Cherry on SD.
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Maryse is Duece 'n' Domino's new girl... Colin Delany still sucks... Vladmir Kozlov still acts like a communist with his no music no lighting entrance... and William Regal is still English, apparently.
Best of the week: Week of 4/28/08
Posted by Majoordood
Here are this week's best of the week:
William Regal and Triple H. Regal took Raw off the air and Triple H retained his title because of it. Yay bad storylines!
Chavo, Bam Neely, Tazz, and Mike Adamle. Bam and Chavo beat the ECW champion Kane, and Mike finally found the balls to leave the announce table. Tazz followed him out, which was kind of funny. This is the week of bad storylines.
Matt Hardy, Miz, Morrison, and Edge. Hardy, Miz, and Morrison retained their titles, and Edge probably gained one.
Here are this week's best of the week:
William Regal and Triple H. Regal took Raw off the air and Triple H retained his title because of it. Yay bad storylines!
Chavo, Bam Neely, Tazz, and Mike Adamle. Bam and Chavo beat the ECW champion Kane, and Mike finally found the balls to leave the announce table. Tazz followed him out, which was kind of funny. This is the week of bad storylines.
Matt Hardy, Miz, Morrison, and Edge. Hardy, Miz, and Morrison retained their titles, and Edge probably gained one.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
ECW Rivalries
Posted by Roadkill
Rivalries is where I come up with ideas for WWE stortlines. Today, I have an ECW storyline.
Storyline: Snitsky vs. Kane
Why: Snitsky wants Kane's ECW Storyline.
How it goes: Before I start, you should know some things that would happen before hand. Kane would beat Chavo in title matches at Judgement Day and ECW One Night Stand. The WWE draft, which would be 2 weeks after One Night Stand, would bring Snitsky to ECW. Anyway, on the ECW after the draft, Armando Estrada would give Snitsky a title shot at Night of Champions, the new PPV premeiring on June 27th, for those of you who didn't know. Anyway, Snitsky beats a jobber that night and Kane beats Elijah Burke.
Next week, Armando is out with Snitsky, and he shows a video of Snitsky and Kane's old rivalry. He says that history will repeat itself, and that Kane won't stand a chance. He says that Kane is a fluke champion, and that his fluke reign will end at Night of Champions. This brings Kane out, who says, "Armando. I won thsi title at Wrestlemania in 8 seconds. That's not a fluke. The champ sucked. That's why I beat him." "Exactly," says Armando." Eight seconds. You surprised him and chokeslammed him. I was there and that's a fluke." Kane reminds him that he also beat Chavo 3 other times, fair and square. Armando is about to say something, but Kane grabs him by the throat. He says,"Listen. I will destroy Snitsky. History won't repaeat itself, and he'll burn in hell." He is about to chokeslam him, but Snitsky boots him and Kane falls out of the ring. He makes Kane/Big Daddy V for later and the night, which Kane wins. After the match, Snitsky and Armado come out. Armando says that Kane better watch out on Sunday.
On Sunday, the ref is KO'd after Snitsky ducks a big boot and it hits the ref. Armando comes out with a steel chair and a kendo stick. He gets in the ring and hits Kane with both weapons a few times. He wakes the ref up, but Kane kicks out of the pinfall. Kane ultimately reverses a Pump Handle Slam into a chokeslam for the win.
On the next ECW, Snitsky faces TommyDreamer and wins. Kane also adresses Snitsky. He says that he knows he still wants his title. He saya if he wants it, he'll have to come and take it. He then goes on to talk about Estrada. He says that because of what he did in the match, he'll pay. He challenges Armando and Snitsky to a handicapped match next week. That brings Snitsky and Estrada out. They say that next week, it will be Snitsky vs. Kane for the ECW title- with special ref Armando Estrada.
Next week, Kane hits his finisher, but Armando doesn't count. A real ref comes out and makes the three count. Tony Chimel says it's legal because he's a real refferee. The show goes off as Armando and Snitsky complain.
The following week, Armando and Snitsky bring out the ref that made th three count and scold him. They say they'll fire him, but Snitsky says that the won't fire him- they'll beat him so bad that he'll quit. They are about to beat him, but Kane comes out and scares them both out of the ring. It is announced later in the night that at Th Great American Bash, Snitsky and Kane will fight for the title, with special ref Armando, except it's a No DQ match.
On SD, Kane beats Chavo Guerrero.
On ECW, Snitsky faces Jamie Noble with special ref Estrada. Snitsky wins, but Armando gets physical too. They beat up Jamie to send a message to Kane.
At The Bash, Kane hits his finisher, but Armando isn't counting. Kane gets up and pins Snitsky by putting one foot on him. He takes a lighter out of his pants. He puts it against Armando's head. He still won't count. He drives it into his skull. Scared, Armando counts, but Snitsky kicks out. Kane gos and grabs a chair and his See No Evil hook. He whacks Snitsky with the chair and Chokeslams him. He takes the hook and chokes Armando with it. He pins Snitsky the same way, and Armando counts, still be choked. Remember, he's counting against his will. Kane wins, and he continues to choke Armando with the hook. He stops, but Estrada looks dead. He does the same to Snitsky.
On ECW, Armando makes it Kane vs. Snitsky and Armando- extreme rules, for later tonight. He says that if his team wins, Kane gets stripped of his title. Kane wins.
Rivalries is where I come up with ideas for WWE stortlines. Today, I have an ECW storyline.
Storyline: Snitsky vs. Kane
Why: Snitsky wants Kane's ECW Storyline.
How it goes: Before I start, you should know some things that would happen before hand. Kane would beat Chavo in title matches at Judgement Day and ECW One Night Stand. The WWE draft, which would be 2 weeks after One Night Stand, would bring Snitsky to ECW. Anyway, on the ECW after the draft, Armando Estrada would give Snitsky a title shot at Night of Champions, the new PPV premeiring on June 27th, for those of you who didn't know. Anyway, Snitsky beats a jobber that night and Kane beats Elijah Burke.
Next week, Armando is out with Snitsky, and he shows a video of Snitsky and Kane's old rivalry. He says that history will repeat itself, and that Kane won't stand a chance. He says that Kane is a fluke champion, and that his fluke reign will end at Night of Champions. This brings Kane out, who says, "Armando. I won thsi title at Wrestlemania in 8 seconds. That's not a fluke. The champ sucked. That's why I beat him." "Exactly," says Armando." Eight seconds. You surprised him and chokeslammed him. I was there and that's a fluke." Kane reminds him that he also beat Chavo 3 other times, fair and square. Armando is about to say something, but Kane grabs him by the throat. He says,"Listen. I will destroy Snitsky. History won't repaeat itself, and he'll burn in hell." He is about to chokeslam him, but Snitsky boots him and Kane falls out of the ring. He makes Kane/Big Daddy V for later and the night, which Kane wins. After the match, Snitsky and Armado come out. Armando says that Kane better watch out on Sunday.
On Sunday, the ref is KO'd after Snitsky ducks a big boot and it hits the ref. Armando comes out with a steel chair and a kendo stick. He gets in the ring and hits Kane with both weapons a few times. He wakes the ref up, but Kane kicks out of the pinfall. Kane ultimately reverses a Pump Handle Slam into a chokeslam for the win.
On the next ECW, Snitsky faces TommyDreamer and wins. Kane also adresses Snitsky. He says that he knows he still wants his title. He saya if he wants it, he'll have to come and take it. He then goes on to talk about Estrada. He says that because of what he did in the match, he'll pay. He challenges Armando and Snitsky to a handicapped match next week. That brings Snitsky and Estrada out. They say that next week, it will be Snitsky vs. Kane for the ECW title- with special ref Armando Estrada.
Next week, Kane hits his finisher, but Armando doesn't count. A real ref comes out and makes the three count. Tony Chimel says it's legal because he's a real refferee. The show goes off as Armando and Snitsky complain.
The following week, Armando and Snitsky bring out the ref that made th three count and scold him. They say they'll fire him, but Snitsky says that the won't fire him- they'll beat him so bad that he'll quit. They are about to beat him, but Kane comes out and scares them both out of the ring. It is announced later in the night that at Th Great American Bash, Snitsky and Kane will fight for the title, with special ref Armando, except it's a No DQ match.
On SD, Kane beats Chavo Guerrero.
On ECW, Snitsky faces Jamie Noble with special ref Estrada. Snitsky wins, but Armando gets physical too. They beat up Jamie to send a message to Kane.
At The Bash, Kane hits his finisher, but Armando isn't counting. Kane gets up and pins Snitsky by putting one foot on him. He takes a lighter out of his pants. He puts it against Armando's head. He still won't count. He drives it into his skull. Scared, Armando counts, but Snitsky kicks out. Kane gos and grabs a chair and his See No Evil hook. He whacks Snitsky with the chair and Chokeslams him. He takes the hook and chokes Armando with it. He pins Snitsky the same way, and Armando counts, still be choked. Remember, he's counting against his will. Kane wins, and he continues to choke Armando with the hook. He stops, but Estrada looks dead. He does the same to Snitsky.
On ECW, Armando makes it Kane vs. Snitsky and Armando- extreme rules, for later tonight. He says that if his team wins, Kane gets stripped of his title. Kane wins.
April's Savagies
Posted by Roadkill and various names in wrestling
RK: Welcome to our monthly awards show, the savagies! This month, we have various names in sports entertainment presenting the awards. Here presenting our first award would be Michael Cole, but we got his cousin, who is currently trapped in a ditch, Michael Cole-in-a-hole, to present the award.
Knox's HGH:
WWEKIDS Magazine:
RK: Welcome to our monthly awards show, the savagies! This month, we have various names in sports entertainment presenting the awards. Here presenting our first award would be Michael Cole, but we got his cousin, who is currently trapped in a ditch, Michael Cole-in-a-hole, to present the award.
Cole-in-a-hole: Welcome fans. I'm currently trapped in a hole right now, but I'll be out. I'll be out, and I'll kill my cousin for calling a steel cage a carnivore, and for his craptastical announcing. Oh, onto the award.
1st award: This first award is the Hardy's ladder match award, for the most underated mid-card match
Nominees: The Has Been Kid vs. Batista- special ref Chris Jericho (Backlash), M
VP vs. Matt Hardy- U.S. Title (Backlash), CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy (Raw), Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix- Women's title (Raw)

And the savagie goes to: Batista vs. HBK with special ref Chris Jericho. HBK sent Batista to the animal hospital, then the pet cemetary. Matt Hardy vs. MVP could've easily won too. It WAS Hardy's first singles title.
RK: But what about the European, Cruiserweight, and Hardcore title? Hardy won those too.
C-I-A-H: Shhhhh. WWE is kinda trying to keep all that on the DL. Get my drift?
RK: Oh, you mean like they kept the Chris Benoit thing on the "DL"?
RK: Our next award is The My ears are Bleeding award, for the worst announcer. Here to present that award is cousin of TNA star Kurt Angle, Smurt Stangle. We couldn't get Kurt because of his BROKEN FREAKIN' NECK.
Smurt Strangle:
Nominees: Cole, Coach, Adamle
The Savagie goes to: It's a tie between Adamle, Coach, and Cole. Oh God! This is the first time there's been a tie, I think. Well, they both suck, but Coach is with MSG now, so now the Knicks fans will do the complianing. But Adamle and Cole are equaly sucky!
Also, to honor Adamle's win, Roadkill has asked me to post this Adamle video:
hbguyvbf7tgvf7dsitvfg7tsagv7sign--big--sucks--adan yhfb8y
RK: You ass, that's not a video. That's a fake Javascript code! Anyway, onto our next award, presented by Michael Coleslaw, the fast food guy and mobster.
Michael Coleslaw: This next award is The I'd watch it if I could steal it Award, for the best PPV.
Nominees: Backlash
The Savagie goes to: Oh, that was the only PPV. Well, the award was named right, 'casue I did steal it. Me and my mobster buddies. I gotta picture of them right here. To the left. Yep, that was a few years ago. Good times. Good times. Well, gotta give Mike Knox his HGH. He won't grow by himself, you know.
RK: Thanks for your time Mr.Coleslaw. To cap off this award show, here are a few pictures to remember the month by:
Taker's new chokehold:

Friday, May 2, 2008
Judgement Day 2008: What I want to see
Posted by Majoordood
Judgement Day 2008 is just a few weeks away. I was thinking up a bunch of matches that I would like to see on the card. Take a look:
U.S. Title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP, No DQ match
We've seen these 2 fight, but never in a No DQ match. This would be a nice 20 minute match, and Matt Hardy would come out on top.
Batista and Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
They both think Michaels is faking the knee injury, and we all know that it was real. Well, its' not really real, but it's supposed to be so the storyline can be continued. Anyway, Michaels could get mad at them for accusing he faked it, and they would get mad, he would challenge them to a handicapped match, and they would accept, and we would have our match. Batista and Jericho win.
ECW Title match- Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely, Handicapped match
They did the same thing with Lashley/Mcmahon last year. If they could do it here, they might be able to save this dying rivalry. Oh, Kane wins.
Women's title- Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle vs. Maria vs. Mickie James
This is a quick match, and Mickie retains.
Big Show vs. Mark Henry
If you read the Smackdown spoilers, you'll see that Big Show yells at Henry for destroying Nunzio. That could set up a match at Judgement Day. It wouldn't be a good match, but still. After what's going to happen on Friday, you'll see why I think this should be a match. Big Show wins.
JBL vs. John Cena
JBL said that he wants Cena on Raw- so why not fight at Judgement Day? Cena wins here in a rather short 10 minute match.
Smackdown World Heavyweight title match- The Great Khali vs. Edge vs. The Undertaker
If you read the SD spoilers, you'd know that The Undertaker is stripped of his title, and then goes on to beat the hell out of Khali. Chances are that Edge will get the title, The Undertaker will use his rematch clause, and The Great Khali would be put in there by Vickie Guerrero to "take out The Undertaker". Khali woud be smarter by taking out Edge too. Edge would win here. After The Undertaker chokeslames Khali, The Undertaker will taunt to the crowd and Edge will pin Khali.
Promo: Trevor Murdoch comes out and says that he hasn't been the best wrestler lately. They show clips of him losing a bunch of matches, Lance Cade's dissapointed face, and Trevor singing to Lance. He says he's sorry that's he dissapointed, but losing is losing, and everyone is in a bit of a slump one in a while. Lance Cade comes out and says that the only person in a slump is Trevor Murdoch. He says that he's ashamed to be his tag team partner and leaves the ring.
World tag team titles- Carlito and Santino Marrella vs. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly
This match has been anticipated for a long time, and I think they should have it at Judgment Day. Santino and Carlito would get on the mic before the match. I think Cody Rhodes and Holly would drop the titles.
WWE Title- Randy Orton vs. Triple H
This match is already happening, and we all know who's gonna win. (Hint: Triple H).
So, there you have it. I hope all these matches happen at Judgement Day.
Judgement Day 2008 is just a few weeks away. I was thinking up a bunch of matches that I would like to see on the card. Take a look:
U.S. Title- Matt Hardy vs. MVP, No DQ match
We've seen these 2 fight, but never in a No DQ match. This would be a nice 20 minute match, and Matt Hardy would come out on top.
Batista and Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels
They both think Michaels is faking the knee injury, and we all know that it was real. Well, its' not really real, but it's supposed to be so the storyline can be continued. Anyway, Michaels could get mad at them for accusing he faked it, and they would get mad, he would challenge them to a handicapped match, and they would accept, and we would have our match. Batista and Jericho win.
ECW Title match- Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely, Handicapped match
They did the same thing with Lashley/Mcmahon last year. If they could do it here, they might be able to save this dying rivalry. Oh, Kane wins.
Women's title- Beth Phoenix vs. Candice Michelle vs. Maria vs. Mickie James
This is a quick match, and Mickie retains.
Big Show vs. Mark Henry
If you read the Smackdown spoilers, you'll see that Big Show yells at Henry for destroying Nunzio. That could set up a match at Judgement Day. It wouldn't be a good match, but still. After what's going to happen on Friday, you'll see why I think this should be a match. Big Show wins.
JBL vs. John Cena
JBL said that he wants Cena on Raw- so why not fight at Judgement Day? Cena wins here in a rather short 10 minute match.
Smackdown World Heavyweight title match- The Great Khali vs. Edge vs. The Undertaker
If you read the SD spoilers, you'd know that The Undertaker is stripped of his title, and then goes on to beat the hell out of Khali. Chances are that Edge will get the title, The Undertaker will use his rematch clause, and The Great Khali would be put in there by Vickie Guerrero to "take out The Undertaker". Khali woud be smarter by taking out Edge too. Edge would win here. After The Undertaker chokeslames Khali, The Undertaker will taunt to the crowd and Edge will pin Khali.
Promo: Trevor Murdoch comes out and says that he hasn't been the best wrestler lately. They show clips of him losing a bunch of matches, Lance Cade's dissapointed face, and Trevor singing to Lance. He says he's sorry that's he dissapointed, but losing is losing, and everyone is in a bit of a slump one in a while. Lance Cade comes out and says that the only person in a slump is Trevor Murdoch. He says that he's ashamed to be his tag team partner and leaves the ring.
World tag team titles- Carlito and Santino Marrella vs. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly
This match has been anticipated for a long time, and I think they should have it at Judgment Day. Santino and Carlito would get on the mic before the match. I think Cody Rhodes and Holly would drop the titles.
WWE Title- Randy Orton vs. Triple H
This match is already happening, and we all know who's gonna win. (Hint: Triple H).
So, there you have it. I hope all these matches happen at Judgement Day.
SD Spoilers
Posted by Roadkill
Here are the spoilers for tonight's Smackdown:
SmackDown begins with Theodore Long announcing that the WWE Tag Team Titles, US Title, and World Heavyweight Title will all be on the line tonight. Michael Cole announces Mick Foley as the new SmackDown announcer.WWE Tag Team Champions John Morrison & The Miz b. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore to retain.ECW General Manager Armando Estrada comes out and announces that the following will be a Colin Delaney contract match. Vladimir Kozlov b. Colin DelaneyMark Henry confronts Nunzio backstage. He reminds him that he is the World's Strongest Man in an intimidating manner.Victoria & Natalya b. Michelle McCool & Cherry MarkHenry b. Nunzio who brought Big Show to ringside with him. After the match Big Show asks Henry was doesn't he pick on someone his own size. Henry walks to the back.WWE United States Champion Matt Hardy b. MVP to retain the title with a Twist of Fate.It is announced that The Undertaker will defend his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against The Great Khali later tonight.Mick Foley interviews Batista. They talk about his loss to Shawn Michaels at Backlash. Batista says that he lost; no excuses. Foley asks Batista if he thought that Michaels was faking a knee injury. Batista says that the thought of Michaels faking the injury makes him sick. He says if he finds out that HBK was faking the injury that he will get him.Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins b. Jesse & FestusFinlay b. An unknown superstar.The Undertaker comes out. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that the following match will not be for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. She also says that Undertaker's new choke hold (the Gogoplata that they have not named) is banned. According to to both of our correspondents, Vickie Guerrero strips The Undertaker of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship because of his dangerous choke hold. She says that it is to protect the superstars. The Great Khali came to the ring and tried to take the World Heavyweight Championship. Undertaker attacked him. Undertaker ends up locking the Gogoplata on Khali. While he is choking him out, Ryder and Hawkins come out and take the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt. Khali ends up bleeding. Undertaker went after Ryder and Hawkins and ended up getting back in the ring and chokeslamming Khali to end the show.
Here are the spoilers for tonight's Smackdown:
SmackDown begins with Theodore Long announcing that the WWE Tag Team Titles, US Title, and World Heavyweight Title will all be on the line tonight. Michael Cole announces Mick Foley as the new SmackDown announcer.WWE Tag Team Champions John Morrison & The Miz b. Jimmy Wang Yang & Shannon Moore to retain.ECW General Manager Armando Estrada comes out and announces that the following will be a Colin Delaney contract match. Vladimir Kozlov b. Colin DelaneyMark Henry confronts Nunzio backstage. He reminds him that he is the World's Strongest Man in an intimidating manner.Victoria & Natalya b. Michelle McCool & Cherry MarkHenry b. Nunzio who brought Big Show to ringside with him. After the match Big Show asks Henry was doesn't he pick on someone his own size. Henry walks to the back.WWE United States Champion Matt Hardy b. MVP to retain the title with a Twist of Fate.It is announced that The Undertaker will defend his WWE World Heavyweight Championship against The Great Khali later tonight.Mick Foley interviews Batista. They talk about his loss to Shawn Michaels at Backlash. Batista says that he lost; no excuses. Foley asks Batista if he thought that Michaels was faking a knee injury. Batista says that the thought of Michaels faking the injury makes him sick. He says if he finds out that HBK was faking the injury that he will get him.Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins b. Jesse & FestusFinlay b. An unknown superstar.The Undertaker comes out. Vickie Guerrero comes out and says that the following match will not be for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. She also says that Undertaker's new choke hold (the Gogoplata that they have not named) is banned. According to to both of our correspondents, Vickie Guerrero strips The Undertaker of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship because of his dangerous choke hold. She says that it is to protect the superstars. The Great Khali came to the ring and tried to take the World Heavyweight Championship. Undertaker attacked him. Undertaker ends up locking the Gogoplata on Khali. While he is choking him out, Ryder and Hawkins come out and take the WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt. Khali ends up bleeding. Undertaker went after Ryder and Hawkins and ended up getting back in the ring and chokeslamming Khali to end the show.
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