Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Smackdown Rant
Posted by Roadkill

Hey guys, and welcome to Smackdown! Sorry this week's rant is a little late. I was just crying because Regal is King of the Ring. That's like firing Krystal because she wouldn't go along with a storyline, or having John Cena win the royal rumble, only to use his title shot at No Way Out and not at Wrestlemania. Not that any of that would ever happen. Not by a long shot.
Anyway, Y2Jesus is out, and it's time for the highlight reel, even though there are no highlights of anything whatsoever. Anyway, Chris is breaking the walls- of the brand extension. Just like everyone else. Chirs gets a little David Bowieish and reminds us he's the special guest ref at Backlash. But it's totally a special and prestigious honor t o be a guest referee, and not at all a sign of somebody, somecreative, or something being unable to correctly book one of the most adaptive guys for even one single match since he returned five months ago. Anyway, he introduces his guest Batista and Jericho first wishes him luck tonight in his huge main event match against the Undertaker, and Y2J did a stand-up job of keeping most of the bitterness out of his voice when he said it. He then brings up Shawn Michaels and runs him down before showing the clip o f him accusing Michaels of enjoying retiring Ric Flair before being superkicked right the hell down. Ridiculous hype aside, I think I actually did hear some teeth rattling down Jericho's throat there. Or it might've been just the ever-present static on my tv, but I'm telling you, I know teeth when I hear them. After the video rolls, Jericho says with that kick Michaels basically admitted both he and Batista were right in their assumptions of Michaels as evil and tells Batista "you're welcome." THAT DOESNT SIT RIGHT WITH THE ANIMAL. Batista says he never asked Jericho to be his lawyer and if he has a problem with someone, he tells them to their face before getting in Y2J's face. Jericho does the annoying girl bit and says "What, so I can't express my opinions around here anymore, heh?" and Batista tells him no. He's pissed he has to deal with both Shawn and Jericho at Backlash, and doesn't see where Jericho fits into the equation. Neither does anybody else, Teest. Jericho didn't ask to be the ref, but since he is, it's analysis time. He says it was irrational how angry Batista is over Ric Flair retiring. Chalk that one up to the 'Rage. You should see him when he loses his car keys or when he has to take his goddam brat of a son to hockey instead of having a beer and watching football. HE ISN'T HAPPY ON HIS DAY OFF, DAVE! Jericho continues and theorises that Batista wishes he had been the one Flair hand-picked to be his opponent at Wrestlemania and wishes he was the one that got to retire Flair in his last match . He also says that on Flair's Raw Retirement Celebration, he saw the love between Flair and Michaels but Batista was too cool to show emotions. Jericho turns toward the crowd and asks for a show of hands if they agree, Batista wanted to retire Flair. A crapload of hands go up. He asks for another showing, this time if they think Batista is more selfish than Michaels. Noticeably fewer hands go up, but I think that's more of a knock on Shawn. There was about to be another question, but Batista stops dat junk with a Batista Bomb. Great work, Dave. Now you just gotta get all those people who raised their hands and agreed with him. THEN THEY'LL BE SURE TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS. Commercials.
Back and Matt Hardy is out to do some commentary on MVP's match. I thought they said last week these two would be facing eachother tonight? Oh well, I probably just screwed up, even though I know I didn't and Cole probably did. They're still wrestling eachother for P's belt at Backlash anyway, so no big deal.
1st match: MVP vs. Tommy Dreamer
I think Dreamer Match and Nontitle Match are interchangeable, don't you? Man, he looks sad as shit wrestling in a Wrestlemania t-shirt. Before the match, MVP throws off his t-shirt at Matt at the announcer's table. Tommy starts off in control early with very basic moves as Coach claims Dreamer is "no slouch". He wrestles in sweatpants, a t-shirt, and has love handles like a mofo, but allright. P gains the advantage with a reverse guillotine on the ropes from the apron. MVP continues to work over Dreamer as Cole claims Hardy has never won a singles title. I guess the European, Hardcore, and Cruiserweight titles just never existed, then. That's cool, I mean if I can be trained to forget entire people like that one guy who never existed and The Macho Savage or whoever, then what's a defunct division? Cole and Coach repeatedly try to sell this PPV as Hardy has to keep bringing them back to talk about the match. He does however say he wants to win a World Championship someday. Yeah, and I'm sure all the remedial kids want to be astronauts and firefighters, but you have to be realistic. Matt Hardy has about as much chance of escaping the midcard as those kids do of one day getting out of poverty. BALLIN' elbow drop gets two because it's an elbow drop and Tommy makes a comeback. Playmaker attempt is reversed into a DDT by Dreamer that gets two. MVP sends Dreamer's shoulder into the ringpost upon getting up and hits his huge running boot in the corner. With this, MVP pins Dreamer for the win, possibly because they're trying to get it over as a legit finisher, but probably because it was Tommy Dreamer in a pinning predicament.
Winner: MVP
Yeah. Finlay and Hornswoggle are getting warmed up for their match. Oh Jesus. Commercials.
Mick Foley in Anamorphs should really suck.
2nd match: Hornswoggle vs. Matt Striker, Wacky B.S. match
Matt Striker is in the ring with a mic saying he's been embarrassed by Hornswoggle and shouldn't be here because he's got a degree in educational psychology. If he got to talk more, he should change what his degree is in with every promo. He also says he has a 186 IQ. My IQ is 132. You didn't need to know that, I just like saying it because it sounds like a pretty high number. Anyway, the Irishmen make their entrance, and I have to wonder how an everyday mother would take seeing their husband, the father, usher his small child over to fight a teacher. Hornswoggle starts off by juggling some tennis balls before pelting Striker with them in his, SHALL WE SAY, HIS TENNISBALLS! HA!! Yep. Cole states for no reason that those are $250 apiece tournament tennis balls. "Oh crap, I thought he was just getting pelted in the crotch with those cheapo Wal*Mart rubber fuzz balls!" Anyway, the rest of the match goes like this : Finlay hands Horny a water gun, he squirts Striker with it, Striker takes it and turns around to throw it down or try to break it over his knee or something, then turns back to get squirted with another one. They go through about ten water guns like his, seriously, and Cole's forced hysterical laughter is grating. Striker eventually bypasses the midget and lands a nice kick on Finlay from the apron and beats him down on the outside before climbing back up on the apron and threatening Hornswoggle. Finlay is up, however, and so Striker lunges at him but he pulls back the apron cover and Striker crotches himself. Horny with a drokick on his head from the ring and Finlay throws his son at Striker before sending him back in. Inside, Striker pushes Horny down and slaps the living hell out of him for a few satisfying seconds before going for the shilaylay that gets confiscated by the ref. Finlay in with a shot of his own and Hornswoggle comes off the top with the splash for the win.
Winner: Read, losers. They proceed to promote the new WWE Kids magazine and claim Hornswoggle answers some pretty provokative questions in there. Finlay and Hornswoggle do about the gayest celebration as I keep waiting for Finlay to drag Striker back into the ring and bloody the hell out of him with a shilaleigh, but it doesn't happen. Probably because they're trying to market their stuff towards kids now. Goddamn kids.
We get reminded of Big Show-Khali, and tonight it's Big Show-Mark Henry. Spoiler alert, you guys : It won't be good. Commercials.
Back for our obligatory Chavo Guerrero time. He'll be taking on Jamie Noble, but not by himself! No sir, Chavo's no fool, he knows damn well Noble's a rough opponent. He brought his new bodyguard along. Because the Edgeheads are just all over tv too much these days, I guess. They roll a clip of Bam Neely's debut beating up Kane a couple weeks ago at an ECW contract signing. Wait, ECW has contract signings? I guess the old ECW really is dead.
3rd match: Chavo Guerrero w/ Bam Neely w/ stupid name w/ Holy hell, I think he read that last thing, so I better run vs. Jamie Noble w/ no chance of winning this match
Nothing happens, nothing happens. Modified Gory Bomb and Noble's neck is guillotined on the top rope. More of nothing happens and Chavo wins with a frogsplash.
Winner: Chavo Guerrero. After the match, Bam gives Jamie a half nelson slam. Oh, a half nelson slam. Kane better watch out, or he'll get slammed at Backlash. You won't be affected by it because, well, your not a Smackdown mid-carded, but still, you better watch your ass. Commercials.
Milk Milk Lemonade around the corner fudge is made.
We are back and now it's time to see a fat sweaty dude fight a fat sweaty dude.
4th match: Big Show vs. Mark Henry
This is basically a preview of Backlash. Crap.
Winner: Big Show via DQ
What's this?! It's The Great Khali, and we're still in the middle of the match. He slams Show into the steps and chops him a few times. Then he chokebombs him. Boy, Backlash is gonna really suck.
Video for Taker vs. Teest. Did you know they've fought before. No, really. Commercials.
Bobby Lashley's got a new "nutrition company". I am anticipating a number of suspensions to come almost immediately.
Back and Cherry is out first, accompanied by Michelle McCool. Holy crap, does Cherry have her own theme music? It's saying Cherry over and over again in it. What, are they planning to break Deuce and Domino up? They can't do that! I love Deuce and Domino's gimmick. Besides, that'd mean that there would be a chance of Deuce and Domino being in two separate matches ever week, and that's just ridiculous. Or, even more unwatchable, a feud between the two. Dear Christ. Victoria is out next with Nasty Neidhart , ready to pop Cherry bloody.
5th match: Victoria w/Nasty Neidhart w/ stupid catchphrase vs. Cherry w/ Michelle Mcool w/ unnessacary push
Cherry is all timid and stuff and Victoria is hilarious mocking her. She shoves her down and gives her a headlock takeover and wrenches her neck while asking "Where's your boyfriend? Where's Deuce and Domino?" as Coach says in recent weeks Deuce and Domino have been hanging out with Maryse instead of Cherry. They must have showed that in a backstage skit or some crap that I ignored, because I don't remember it. Victoria kicks the hell out of her, literally, before going "GOOOOAL!" and slapping her down to the ground while Cherry was sitting on her ass. God Victoria is great. Cherry starts crying and Victoria hilariously tears into her verbally and physically. Cherry gets in a kick and a rollup before getting beat up some more. Coach says Victoria, the veteran and former women's champion, is really starting to come into her own, whatever sense that makes. Victoria camel clutches Cherry before releasing her via busting her face into the mat as Cherry was trying to break it. More stalking and taunting and Nasty says from ringside "YOU MESS WIT DA BEST YOU GO DOWN LIKE DA REST MUAHAHAHAHA". McCool gets up on the apron and Victoria goes to confront her, leaving her legs wide open for Cherry to score- a pinfall.
Winner: Cherry. Commercials.
a favor
a sandwich
Back to another crappy outside shot of London with irrelevant facts. "Big Ben is the largest four-sided chiming clock in the world and is located Northeast of the Parliament." Enthralling.
Kozlov comes out with no music or anything. It's like a Latin mass. Except you can actually see someone without his back turned. Sorry, bad analogy. Where the hell did that crap come from.
6th match: Vladmir Kozlove vs. English Jobber
Are you friggin' kidding?
Winner: Take a guess, nimrods.
They had to have him fight a jobber, because making Kozlov fight Paul Burchill, Drew McIntryre, or DH Smith in England would be just plain stupid.
They recap Edge and Taker next. All three Edges are out sitting in the front row to watch the Main Event, which is next. Commercials.
One time in English we had to make an original book of poetry, except I didn't want to and it was the end of the year and I had a 100 average for the entire year anyway, so I instead turned in twelve pages of original comic strips, with a front and back to each page, with three two-line strips on each page, featuring a suitcase marked with To : Peru. A crew of varying strange characters would stare at eachother and the suitcase with no dialogue whatsoever. In the last strip, the suit case was on a bus to Peru, but the bus had a wreck and it blew up, but you see te suitcase lying in the grass unscathed, and I wrote a note at the bottom that said "Should I continue this?" The teacher didn't comment back, but I got a 70 on it, which is just above failing. END STORY.
Back and it's main event time. Batista enters, and The Undertaker does his usual "I can read a Stephen King book before this is over" entrance. Onto the match!
Main Event: The Undertaker vs. Batista
They punched eachother on the outside until the ref counted to ten.
Winner: Draw. They continue to fight around ringside, slamming eachother into stuff, and they battle over near the barricade where Edge and his Heads are sat. Undertaker randomly reaches and grabs Edge from his seat and throws him around ringside. before rolling him in the ring. Batista attacks Taker but the Edgeheads are on him, just because I guess, and he fights them off. Taker gets into the ring and Batista follows. The Edgeheads get beat up some more when they come in, and so do Chavo and his bodyguard who come out just to get laid out. Edge escapes and runs up the aisle just as Vickie Guerrero is being pushed out in her wheelchair by her permanent indentured servant Teddy Long. She has a microphone and tells Batista and Taker that because they attacked paying audience members Edge, Hawkins, and Ryder, the company has been put in legal jeopardy. She then punishes them by making a rematch between Taker and Batista for next week for the World Title. Yeah, take THAT Batista! She then reminds them that the winner will go on to face Edge at Backlash. END SHOW.
Wrestlemania 17: Nothing. Everything sucked.
Wrestlemania 9: Everything.
WM23: Finaly's new gimmick is bad.
Monday, April 21, 2008
How much was Wrestlemania really worth?
Posted by Roadkill
Sorry guys. The SD rant is coming. I was cleaning out my attic, so I couldn't really blog today. Anyway, Wrestlemania was a big PPV. It cost $54 to order. But was it worth the money? Let's observe each match:
Finaly vs. JBL
This match wasn't too good I am using my random 6 star rating key here, so I'd give this match 2 out of 6 stars. For every vacant star, I take off a dollar, so right now, WM was worth $50.
MITB ladder match
This match was arguably the best match of the night. I won't take any off for this. 6 out of 6 star match
Batista vs. Umaga
Better than Finaly/JBL, but worse than the MITB match. I give this 3 out of 6 stars. Right now, Wrestlemania was worth $47.
Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero, ECW title
This was not the worst match because Kane won, but it was the worst match because it lasted 8 seconds. I'll give this the benefit of the doubt, with 1 out of 6 stars. WM24 was only worth $42 so far.
HBK vs. Ric Flair
This was the best match I've seen in a damn long time, so I'll give it 6 of 6 stars. I'll even add $3 because it was so good. WM24 is now worth $45 dollars.
Bunnymania match
Boring. Very boring. 0 stars for this one. So far, WM was woth 39 dollars.
WWE title match, Triple H vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Not the best title match, but not the worst either. I'll give this match 4 out of 6 stars, making Wrestlemania 24 a $37 PPV.
Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather
Not great, not bad, but not so good. I'll give it 3 of 6 stars. WM is worth $34.
Edge vs. The Undertaker
Weird choice for a main event. HBK vs. Flair should've been the main event if the WWE title match wasn't. I give this match 4 out of 6 stars, making WM24 a 32 dollar PPV.
Man, Wrestlemania was only worth $32! That's less than the price for an average PPV! Oh well. I'll do the same thing for Backlash, and let's hope that it's worth more WM24.
Sorry guys. The SD rant is coming. I was cleaning out my attic, so I couldn't really blog today. Anyway, Wrestlemania was a big PPV. It cost $54 to order. But was it worth the money? Let's observe each match:
Finaly vs. JBL
This match wasn't too good I am using my random 6 star rating key here, so I'd give this match 2 out of 6 stars. For every vacant star, I take off a dollar, so right now, WM was worth $50.
MITB ladder match
This match was arguably the best match of the night. I won't take any off for this. 6 out of 6 star match
Batista vs. Umaga
Better than Finaly/JBL, but worse than the MITB match. I give this 3 out of 6 stars. Right now, Wrestlemania was worth $47.
Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero, ECW title
This was not the worst match because Kane won, but it was the worst match because it lasted 8 seconds. I'll give this the benefit of the doubt, with 1 out of 6 stars. WM24 was only worth $42 so far.
HBK vs. Ric Flair
This was the best match I've seen in a damn long time, so I'll give it 6 of 6 stars. I'll even add $3 because it was so good. WM24 is now worth $45 dollars.
Bunnymania match
Boring. Very boring. 0 stars for this one. So far, WM was woth 39 dollars.
WWE title match, Triple H vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Not the best title match, but not the worst either. I'll give this match 4 out of 6 stars, making Wrestlemania 24 a $37 PPV.
Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather
Not great, not bad, but not so good. I'll give it 3 of 6 stars. WM is worth $34.
Edge vs. The Undertaker
Weird choice for a main event. HBK vs. Flair should've been the main event if the WWE title match wasn't. I give this match 4 out of 6 stars, making WM24 a 32 dollar PPV.
Man, Wrestlemania was only worth $32! That's less than the price for an average PPV! Oh well. I'll do the same thing for Backlash, and let's hope that it's worth more WM24.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The Top Ten: Week of 4/14/08
Posted by Majoordood
Here are this week's rankings:
Here are this week's rankings:
- Mickie James. She finally won the Women's title. Finally.
- Batista. He earned himself a title shot and he beat up Y2J.
- Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely. Yeah, it was a pretty slow week.
- Carlito and Santino Marella earned themselves title shots.
- Kane and The Undertaker beat the tag champs.
- Kelly Kelly won a diva dance-off.
- CM Punk, Shanon Moore, Jimmy Wang-Yang, and Kofi Kingston were all victorious as partners.
- JBL. He was the last guy left after the little brawl on Raw.
- Chris Jericho. He beat Umaga on Raw, but HBK also kicked the crap out of him.
- Randy Orton beat William Regal.
UNHONORABLE MENTION: Mike Adamle or whatever the hell his name is is a horrible announcer. Saying stuff like "Kofi, Jamaican me crazy", "Uno, Dos, Adios" and "Get Bizzay" just sucks.
Best of the Week: Week of 4/14/08
Posted by Majoordood
This one will go to Mickie James, who won the women's title.
Kane and The Undertaker. They picked up a win against the WWE tag team champs.
Batista. Yes, Batista. He pissed off Chris Jericho and he earned himself a title shot. Let's just hope that he does this well next week.
This one will go to Mickie James, who won the women's title.
Kane and The Undertaker. They picked up a win against the WWE tag team champs.
Batista. Yes, Batista. He pissed off Chris Jericho and he earned himself a title shot. Let's just hope that he does this well next week.
Roadkill's Corner
Posted by Roadkill
Welcome to roadkill's corner, everyone's least favorite part of the blog. I want to start off by saying that The Smackdown Rant is coming. Not nessicarily soon, but it's coming.
Today I want to bring up a serious topic. Crappy PPVs. We've all seen them. Every Great American Bash, Wrestlemania 9, Armageddon 2004, the list goes on and on. But what if I, everyone's favorite living parasite that just happens to know a possum and a pompus jerk (majoordood), made up my own PPV. At that brings me to:
ROADKILL'S PPV MAKER (Copyright 2008. Don't even think about plagerism. I know a cop.)
Alright, here's how to make your own PPV. First, select an arena. Any arena. Your house or local Pizza joint counts too. Just ask Majoordood. Then select a month, day, and year. Then, select a name. Finally, make up your match card. Retired and dead wrestlers can be on the card. Here's my PPV:
Madison Square Garden
May 22, 2010
1st match: JBL vs. Dusty Rhodes, Texas Bullrope match, U.S. title
2nd match: The Rockers vs. London and Kendrick, World Tag Team title match
3rd match: Fatal 4-way match for the Intercontinental title
Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior vs. Carlito vs. Mr.Kennedy vs. Umaga vs. Big Show vs. Honky Tonk Man
4th match: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Masters, 30 minute ultimate submission match
5th match: Big Daddy V vs. Yokozuna
6th match: Chyna vs. Torrie Wilson
7th match: The Hardyz vs. The Undertaker and Kane, WWE tag team title match
8th match: Victoria vs. Sensational Sherri
9th match: Edge and Christain vs. The Dudleyz w/Spike Dudley, Tag Team Ladder Match
10 match: Trish Stratus vs. The Fabulous Moolah, Women's title match
11th match: World Heavyweight title match
RVD vs. Kurt Angle
12th match: Mark Henry vs. Bruno Sammurtino
13th match: Last Man Standing match
Randy Orton vs. Bret Hart
14th match: The Great Khali vs. Andre the Giant
15th match: Finlay vs. Ric Flair
16th match: Jesse and Festus vs. George "The Animal" Steel and The Missing Link
17th match: The Boogey Man vs. Papa Shango
18th match: John Morrison vs. Georgus George
19th match: ECW title, Extreme Rules match
Mick Foley vs. CM Punk vs. Terry Funk vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman vs. Sabu
20th match: Batista vs. Brock Lesnar
21st match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio, Cruiserweight title
22nd match: Hornswoggle vs. Little Beaver
23rd match: Vince Mcmahon vs. Eric Bischoff, winner gets to own WWE, Hell in a Cell match
24th match: Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas
25th match: Hulk Hogan vs. Stone Cold
MAIN EVENT: WWE title match
Triple H vs. The Rock vs. John Cena
So, how did you like that? You can make your own PPV too. Write a comment, except make it your PPV card and all that other info. Or, you can make one at home. Have fun thinking up those matches!
Welcome to roadkill's corner, everyone's least favorite part of the blog. I want to start off by saying that The Smackdown Rant is coming. Not nessicarily soon, but it's coming.
Today I want to bring up a serious topic. Crappy PPVs. We've all seen them. Every Great American Bash, Wrestlemania 9, Armageddon 2004, the list goes on and on. But what if I, everyone's favorite living parasite that just happens to know a possum and a pompus jerk (majoordood), made up my own PPV. At that brings me to:
ROADKILL'S PPV MAKER (Copyright 2008. Don't even think about plagerism. I know a cop.)
Alright, here's how to make your own PPV. First, select an arena. Any arena. Your house or local Pizza joint counts too. Just ask Majoordood. Then select a month, day, and year. Then, select a name. Finally, make up your match card. Retired and dead wrestlers can be on the card. Here's my PPV:
Madison Square Garden
May 22, 2010
1st match: JBL vs. Dusty Rhodes, Texas Bullrope match, U.S. title
2nd match: The Rockers vs. London and Kendrick, World Tag Team title match
3rd match: Fatal 4-way match for the Intercontinental title
Randy Savage vs. The Ultimate Warrior vs. Carlito vs. Mr.Kennedy vs. Umaga vs. Big Show vs. Honky Tonk Man
4th match: Chris Benoit vs. Chris Masters, 30 minute ultimate submission match
5th match: Big Daddy V vs. Yokozuna
6th match: Chyna vs. Torrie Wilson
7th match: The Hardyz vs. The Undertaker and Kane, WWE tag team title match
8th match: Victoria vs. Sensational Sherri
9th match: Edge and Christain vs. The Dudleyz w/Spike Dudley, Tag Team Ladder Match
10 match: Trish Stratus vs. The Fabulous Moolah, Women's title match
11th match: World Heavyweight title match
RVD vs. Kurt Angle
12th match: Mark Henry vs. Bruno Sammurtino
13th match: Last Man Standing match
Randy Orton vs. Bret Hart
14th match: The Great Khali vs. Andre the Giant
15th match: Finlay vs. Ric Flair
16th match: Jesse and Festus vs. George "The Animal" Steel and The Missing Link
17th match: The Boogey Man vs. Papa Shango
18th match: John Morrison vs. Georgus George
19th match: ECW title, Extreme Rules match
Mick Foley vs. CM Punk vs. Terry Funk vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. The Sandman vs. Sabu
20th match: Batista vs. Brock Lesnar
21st match: Eddie Guerrero vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio, Cruiserweight title
22nd match: Hornswoggle vs. Little Beaver
23rd match: Vince Mcmahon vs. Eric Bischoff, winner gets to own WWE, Hell in a Cell match
24th match: Shelton Benjamin vs. Charlie Haas
25th match: Hulk Hogan vs. Stone Cold
MAIN EVENT: WWE title match
Triple H vs. The Rock vs. John Cena
So, how did you like that? You can make your own PPV too. Write a comment, except make it your PPV card and all that other info. Or, you can make one at home. Have fun thinking up those matches!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Stone Cold and Debrah's wedding
Posted by Majoordood
Hey people. The Smackdown Rant will be coming later in the week. In Roadkill's area (New York) Smackdown didn't air last night, but it will air tonight. Roadkill is said to be in his storage closet, crying. Anywho, it's still wedding month here on deadopossum, so today I'll be recapping Stone Cold and Debrah's wedding.
Stone Cold comes down the isle. Howard Finkel says, "Making his may to the altar, Stone Cold Steve Austin".
The best man is a can of beer.
Stone Cold gives everyone the finger and stunners the flower girl on her way down the isle.
Every time the priest says Stone Cold's name, JR screams, "STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD!"
When the priest turns to read the John 3:16 passage, he finds John's name scratched out and replaced with Austin.
When it's time for the couple to kiss, Austin just punches his new mate.
Chuck Palumbo's present to Austin is a baseball bat. His card reads, "Steve, the present will come in handy when you start to hate each other." Wow, I guess Chuck was right.
Years later, JR and King are calling all the great matches between Steve and Debrah. They call every shot, from the first punch to the chair shot to the lamp-over-the-head to the knife-to-the-neck.
Hey people. The Smackdown Rant will be coming later in the week. In Roadkill's area (New York) Smackdown didn't air last night, but it will air tonight. Roadkill is said to be in his storage closet, crying. Anywho, it's still wedding month here on deadopossum, so today I'll be recapping Stone Cold and Debrah's wedding.
Stone Cold comes down the isle. Howard Finkel says, "Making his may to the altar, Stone Cold Steve Austin".
The best man is a can of beer.
Stone Cold gives everyone the finger and stunners the flower girl on her way down the isle.
Every time the priest says Stone Cold's name, JR screams, "STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD!"
When the priest turns to read the John 3:16 passage, he finds John's name scratched out and replaced with Austin.
When it's time for the couple to kiss, Austin just punches his new mate.
Chuck Palumbo's present to Austin is a baseball bat. His card reads, "Steve, the present will come in handy when you start to hate each other." Wow, I guess Chuck was right.
Years later, JR and King are calling all the great matches between Steve and Debrah. They call every shot, from the first punch to the chair shot to the lamp-over-the-head to the knife-to-the-neck.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
WWE Wedding
Posted by Roadkill

Alrighty, I am officialy declaring this month Wedding month. To kick off Wedding month, we recapped HHH and Steph's wedding. Today, we recap TLO and Kristal's September Wedding:

Welcome to Smackdown's wedding from hell. The old guy and the hot young girl. Kinda like Anna Nicole and that old hag. But as far as WWE weddings go, it reminds me of the Lita/Kane wedding. Or the Edge/Lita wedding. Or Edge's next wedding with Vickie. Damn, all these wrestlers must be poligamysts. Anyway, everyone comes out and sits down. Balls Mahoney is wearing his trashy clothes with a tie on. Vince doesn't seem too pleased. Hornswoggle places a giant book on his seat and happily plants his ass next to Coach. Good thing there's commercials to help ready myself for this disaster.
Damn, we're back. TLO, with a plastered on smile, comes out and goes up to the altar. Then he makes a wrestler he doesn't like fight The Undertaker. Then he makes Kane fight MVP again. Alright, I made the last part up, but don't you think he should've. It'd be like, "I do- oh, and before I forget, Mark Henry, it's gon' be a hellofa match at Unforgiven because you are fighting- THE UNDERTAKAA. Now holla that, playa."
Bruce Bruce then announces in the funniest voice ever, "Alright everybody... here comes the bride!" Kristal very, very slowly makes her way out. Kristal trips on the steps, and I nearly die laughing. This ceremony has finally started. Wait, no it hasn't. Goddam Jagged Edge has to sing some R and B song. They start out with, "Wave ya hands, now. " And that's how you know a band sucks. Everyone is waving their hands. It looks beautiful, until Jeff Hardy ruins it with his
crazy, slow-motion spastic retard waving dance move that is just embarrassing to even witness.
Just about the funniest thing here so far is Vince waving his body from side to side as everyone else is just waving his or her arms. Oh god, here comes Jillian with one of those face-microphones. Jillian calls the Jagged Edge performance "horrendous.” Everyone pleads with Jillian to not sing. As Jillian sings horribly, she is dragged the hell out of there by Candice and some chick I couldn't really see (Mickie?). Bruce Bruce declares that Jillian's singing was the worst he's ever heard. Can't disagree there. Hornswoggle smacks Coach upside the head, which gets what's probably the first Hornswoggle chant ever. Bruce Bruce asks if anyone objects to Teddy and Kristal being wed, and Godfather's music subsequently plays. I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested for msex trafficing yet, HARDBODY HARRISON. He goes up to the ring with a bunch of prostitutes, much to the divas demise. (By the way, Tommy Dreamer looks straight up Pimpin' with his suit and hat on. I guess he'll marry a hoe after they accidentally have a kid, and then he'll be known as the "Innavator of Domestic Violence".) Godfather tries to persuade Teddy to take a ride on the Ho Train. Teddy's a one-woman man now, so Godfather instead gets every male wrestler in attendance to follow the Ho Train to the back. Hilariously enough, Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco do not tag along. I know this'll come as a shock to most of you, but the crowd is just about 80% dead for this dragged-out segment. I didn't hear them myself, but a few other Smackdown reports say that the crowd was chanting "we want wrestling!" Those friggin' ingrates. What the hell do they think this is - a wrestling show? Hornswoggle and Coach get into a cat fight now, and Hornswoggle goes under Kristal gown. Teddy goes into angry Fiance mode, and pulls out a pocket knife. "Get away from my girl, or I'll bust you up." Hornswoggle cries, so he just makes him fight Kane and The Undertaker in a handicapped match. Okay, that never happened. Coach actually crawls into the dress as well. Dear Lord in Heaven. Vince and Coach chase Hornswoggle to the back. This is the most disastrous wedding I've ever witnessed. Bruce Bruce finally gets to the I Dos. Kristal, of course, says I do. At this point, I turn to my little sister and say, "I'll bet you this jerk passes out right now." Teddy then says, "I.... I..." and passes the hell out. Thank you, come again. I must be some kind of gifted psychic or something. After a fit of hysterics from Kristal (looks like Teddy made Kristal "holla" after all!), EMTs tend to the fallen Teddy. Good thing that suicide watch is in full effect tonight. And that's the show. Yeah, seriously, this was your wedding. That's it. Show's over. And for those of you worrying about Teddy, he'll be back in like 2 weeks to make some heal fight The Undertaker.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Recap of Triple H and Steph's 2003 Wedding

HHH and Steph have been married for 5 years. I thought we should celebrate. So I am going to recap the whole wedding.
HHH pins Goldberg for the world heavyweight title in the parking lot of the church.
Shane McMahon, who was ring bearer, decided an aisle entry was too "old hat" and instead opted to climb the steeple's rafters and deliver said ring by plunging 40 feet back first. He was 33. And fat.
The men up at the altar are Ric Flair, Batista, Kane, RVD, and Chris Jericho. Then only reason they are there are because he plans to pin all of them in World heavyweight title matches later tonight.
Vince does the crazy arm walk when he is ascorting Steph down the isle. He cuts a promo and then Stone Cold Stunners him. Just because.
Triple H is warned by The Undertaker of why getting married sucks, so he pins him after a Pedigree. In the church. During the ceremony.
William Regal, being the traditional English A-hole that he is, has everyone recieve communion. Triple H pins Pedigrees and pins him. While recieving communion, Triple H spits the wine right out of his mouth, up into the air.
The Minister to HHH: "Repeat after me, I take this woman to be my lawfully wedded wife."
HHH: "I take this World title to be my lawfully wedded wife."
The wedding is now over. While he is leaving the church, Triple H pedigrees the flower girl Shane Mcmahon, and the priest. And maybe the Deacon too.
Triple H pins Kane in the parking lot of the reception hall.
Big Show eats all the food during cocktail hour.
Triple H pins Edge during the best man's speech.
When the "Best Man" was introduced, Pat Patterson stood up, hands on hips, defiantly yelling "I'll be Da Judge of Dat!"
Ric Flair tells a joke during his best man speech, "This is what love is", he says. "I gotta tell ya a story about love. A man and a woman go to Death Valley for vacation. The woman dies during their trip. The husband has 2 choices- leave my wife here, or get her buried in America, but spend 10,00 to get her body shipped there. The man takes her back to America, and not because he loves her- because the last time someone was buried in death valley, they rose from the dead!" Everyone but The Undertaker finds it funny, so Triple H just pins him again. Then he just pins Flair for no reason.
Triple H pins the entire wedding band. Motor Head just happens to be at the wedding, so they entertain the people. Apparently, they half ass his HHH's theme song, so the whole band is pinned.
When dancing with the flower girl (who had recovered from the pedigree), Jerry Lawler was said to ask, "so, you wanna go back to my place?"
HHH and Stephanie's first dance entailed Hunter just awkwardly posing, arching his back, pumping his arms, and yelling.
When Steph threw the Bouquet, Steve Austin's new girlfriend was said to have caught it, so saving time, Austin decided to just beat her now as opposed as to after the wedding. This might be love after all.
HHH pinned Chris Jericho as he attempted to get a second piece of cake. Hunter preceded this by yelling "You got your chance already. You only get one!". People speculated that they had heard this speech before. The night after Wrestlemania 18. Strange.
HHH pins Batista on his way to refill the ice bucket. Just 'cause.
Scott Hall was seen later that night, keying the "Just Married" limo before forcing Grandma McMahon into a near by hedge. Normally, it'd have been too dark to identify him... hadn't Hall accidentally forgot to wear his tuxedo pants in lieu of monogrammed trunks.
Triple H pins RVD before heading into the "Just Married" car. Then he finds out that the car way keyed and tries to pin Scott Hall, but he's too tired. So Shawn Michaels just does it for him. Then he pins Michaels.
Instead of cans on the "Just Married" car, he used cruiserweights. Cans are too expensive, man.
When he gets home, Triple H opens all his presents with a 50 pound sledgehammer.
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