This blog is about wrestling. But wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Before you go, I know there are a lot of you who think we are dorks because we watch wrestling. Maybe we are, but this website can be for you too, because we make fun of wrestling too. If you look at the pictures on the side of this page you will see what I mean. I hope you enjoy the website and comment as much as you want. Feel free to say whatever's on your mind.
It's the battle of the giants as Khali faces Andre! Khali is 7 foot 3, and Andre is a whopping 75 feet! That's only because road agents lined his bones up in a row. There was some talk that this match couldn't be done but Vince came to save the day. "Andre is dead, but he is still faster than Khali, so he will surely be able to hold his own", Vince said. "I am not worried about Andre's health either, because he is already dead and cannot be killed in the ring like he was at Wrestlemania 3."
Not much to say. Triple H, like Cena, has pinned every mid-carder and tag team in the history of the WWE. So why not do it again. So this year, Triple H will face the entire tag team division and a tank in a handicapped match. But Triple H has non-human powers, so the tag teams would all Pedigree themselves. Then Triple H would run them all over with the Tank. He would then destroy the Tank with his Sledgehammer. He would spine-buster all of the Tag Teams and then pin them all SLOWLY. Why does HUNTER pin all of them? He thinks about the future. A future where he pins new people. Just 'cause he feels like it.
Like Cena, Lashley is big and Muscular, so he needs an opponent to over come the odds against. What better to over come the odds against than a Vegas Slot machine! I know, it's horrible. Don't be shocked when The Machine cuts a better promo than Lashley.
What better to headline Wrestlemania than the unfinished feud between Mcmahon and God? Anything else. God will win. Mcmahon can't beat God. He'll strike him with lightning or something. Besides, God is still mad about thier last fued. Why do you think Benoit- I mean THE GUY WHO NEVER EXISTED died?
Wrestlemania couldn't be Wrsetlemania without the Hall of Fame ceremony. With no Holgans or Warriors this year, who else to induct into the hall of fame but The Where's The Beef Lady? With countless contibutions to the company (countless because you can't count under zero), she has earned her spot into the hall of fame. She's dead though, so representing her will be Mae Young, because she's old and- well, she's old.
I am a bad person. Anywho, after the match, Torrie Wilson is backstage and says that she loves gril ower but she is also a bit dirty. So she'll burn her bra but show you what's under it at the same time.
5th match: Mexicools w/ John Deers vs. BWO w/ big wheels
Juvientuvads or whatever the hell her name is starts things off with Simon Dean err- NOVA. Then Nova (cough *DEAN SIMON DEAN* cough) makes a tag to Stevie Richards, who tries to rallie but is Moonsaulted by SuperCrazy for the pin.
Winners: The Mexicools
Loser: That guy who jobbed to Stevie Richards on ECW. A big, bulky guy like you can't get the job done, but a tiny mexiacn dude who kinda likes Tequila can? I am ashamed. Back to OVW for you.
Backstage, Rey Mysterio and Dominic share a moment. And a wardrobe, hopefully. I'll be damned if Dominic can't fit into Rey's tights.
6th match: Rey Mysterio w/ Son vs. Eddie Guerrero w/o his son that is Rey's but is his because the WWE said so.
The stipualtion for this match was that if Eddie won, Rey's secret (that he is Dominic's real dad) will be revealed. If Rey won, they could live a life of swinging off of things and accidentally kicking each other. Anyway, to make a long story short (or in Rey's case, a short story long), Eddie hit all of his finishers, but Rey rolled him up. No 619. This is why I hate this PPV.
Winner: Rey Mysterio. The secret is SAFE-even though Eddie tells it on Smackdown.
7th match: Torrie Wilson vs. Melina: Bra and Panties match/ specail ref Candice Michelle
The reason this match happened was because Melina wanted to embarass Playboy Playmate Torrie Wilson. So she figured the best way to do that was by stripping her naked. Hmm...
Winner: Melina. Then Melina strips Candice, and Candice strips Melina. That's what Pervs love about Bra and Panties matches. We're all winners. Even the losers.
Main Event: Batista vs. JBL: World Heavyweight Championship match
It was the worst main event in WWE history. Just like every Bash's Main Event.
Wrestlemania: I guess the night's best match was Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero. Rey won, But Eddie just tells Rey's secret to everyone anyway.
ECW One Night Stand: "The Wrestlinggggggaaaaaaa Gawd" was probably mad, so he made us pay $40 for a night of squash matches.
Last Laugh: For The Great American Bash last summer, I had a huge viewing party. I definetly picked the wrong PPV to have a viewing party for. It was either that or Summerslam though, so I probably made the right choice.
Winner and still ECW Champion: Chavo Guerrero
The Undertaker VS Batista VS MVP VS Finlay VS Big Daddy V (w/Matt Striker) VS The Great Khali (w/Fat Daivari)
Oh wow. Wow. If it was clear before, I think this matches proves exactly how thin the Smackdown Title scene is. And speaking of thin, I’m sad that Big Daddy V was actually able to fit inside a chamber. I was hoping he’s be smushed inside, pressing his flab up against the glass casing like the most disturbing funny face in the world. Why do I wish for these horrible things?
Batista and Taker start the match off, and I’m very sad that Taker didn’t end up in a pod. After all, it’s not every day you get to see a silent man wearing makeup and dyed hair *Actually* stuck inside a glass box.
Taker and DAVE settle absolutely nothing, so in comes Big Daddy V to meander about like a slightly perturbed elephant. Hilarious spot sees V throw Taker up against the cage, which apparently have “no give”… only for it to give out completely, thanks to some stage hand who clearly didn’t realize that locks go on stuff. Anyways, V eats a DDT for the elimination. Seriously, he ate the DDT. He’s gonna have some awkward bowel movements later.
Khali comes in and is all like “RAWR MY ONLY TALENT IS MY FREAKLISHLY ENORMOUS BODY”.. until Taker summons the power of jiu-jitsu and gogopowerrangersplata Khali in a quick tap out. Is this the same Khali who pinned the Undertaker clean with a chop?
Next in is Finlay, and holy crap, he just nailed Taker with the Celtic Cross. 1…2…. BAHAHAA, did you honestly think Taker would lose to Finlay? BAAAAAAHAHAAHHAAHA. Nothing of note happens until MVP comes in, and he manages to get in a couple of good shots to DAVE and Taker, until Taker scares him to the top of a pod. Uh oh. This is got “Black dude is gonna die” written all over it. But enough of my diary, MVP gets “chokeslammed” off the top of the pod.Finlay covers to eliminate MVP Hornswaggle pokes his little head out to give some wood to Finlay. Oh man, I love that last sentence. Anywho, Finlay starts firing off shots likes he’s in a bell tower, but eventually Taker is all like “Alright rookie, you’ve had your time”, and Finlay is all like “I’ve been wrestling longer than you”, and Taker is all like “Oh, you’re right. Perhaps I should show more respect to my elde-“ CHOKESLAM ON THE STEEL. Finlay is eliminated. So, it comes down to Taker and Michaelangelo’s DAVE. Geez. Didn’t see that one coming These guys continue to have an incomprehensible chemistry, and they proceed to have a nifty little sequence. The finish is one of the most original I’ve ever seen from Taker, as he avoids a lawn-darting into the cage by pushing back, pulling Batista with him, flipping over the ropes, into a quick Tombstone.
Winner, and number one contender for Smackdown: The Undertaker
Backstage, Edge is all concerned about facing Taker at Wrestlemania. Oh, come on Edge. It’s not like Taker is undefe-… oh, don’t worry, it’s not like he buries pe-… at least you might get put in to a nifty video package when Taker retires.
Ric Flair VS Mr Kennedy
Dear Ric,
You used to be awesome. Nowadays, your matches suck. Thanks for trying,though.
Every wrestling fan ever.
Slackers. Get on it. Ok, so I’m clearly just stalling, because this match is shorter than.. oh crap, I already made Rey short jokes. Bah. Oh hell, you know how it ends. Edge counters a springboard and gets the clean pin with a spear.
Winner and still world heavyweight champion: Edge
After the match, Rey is all like “Aye aye aye, me minueto bicepo es el injurdo”, and out comes THE BIG SHOW. He’s lost enough weight to consider his hands to be saucepans, instead of skillets. He can no longer push an egg through his rings. The good ol’ days are gone.. I guess we’ll just have to accept the fact that his body parts are just, sadly, regular body parts. Laaaaame.
Anyways, Big Show pesters Rey enough to draw the ire of FLOYD MAYWEATHER. Truth be told, this is pretty huge for the WWE, because Floyd Mayweather is a pretty awesome heel – his antics in the build against Oscar De La Hoya drew the biggest PPV numbers EVER. So, of course, the WWE is smart and plays him out to be a face. Bah.
Point is, Mayweather legitimately breaks Show’s nose. Oh well. It’s not like I could use it as a doorstop any more… hmph.
WWE Title: Randy Orton VS John Cena
Randy Orton:
Guitar twang… HEY… guitar riff….
You know, to me, this sounds more like some stoned out hippie kickin’ it around a camp fire and thinking some chord he just accidentally strummed is genius.
John Cena:
By far, the funnest thing to write on a keyboard since “qwerty”.
You know, people generally have mediocre expectations for these two. I mean, both have good matches with good opponents, and both have shown flashes of brilliance, but for whatever reason, people have dismissed the notion that these two should have a great match together. On top of it, these two trained together in OVW. So, call me optimistic, but I feel these two should have some impressive chemistry, as their styles work well together.
Ladies and gentlemen, the above is a prime example of me lying through my teeth. I can’t believe you bought it.
’ll be honest, and the match is decent.. but I think it’s fair that it’s not the main event. It seems as if they were holding back, either for the main event, or because they don’t want to blow their load before Mania. Either way, it was relatively uninspired. My god, this match sounds like my sexual endeavors. Alright, I lie, this match lasted longer than 84 seconds.
The end of the match is so horrible, I actually laughed. Randy RKO’d Cena on the floor, going for the countout win, but Cena got in. Orton couldn’t believe it, so he simply slapped the ref so he’d DQ him. You know, despite the fact it’s such a load of crap, it fits Randy perfectly, and you can’t deny that it makes sense. But, remember… you just paid $40 to see a DQ. Indeed it does make sense… and cents! Bahahaha. Haaaaaaaaaaah. HAAAAAAAH!
Winner via Disqualification: John Cena
Backstage, HHH and Shawn share a package of Twix, go for a walk in the rain, and then make out. Isn’t that cute!
King and JR discuss the polling results, where 69% of the people voted AGAINST HHH winning the chamber match. Apparently, only cave dwellers and hermit crabs have WWE Mobile.
Raw Elimination Chamber: Chris Jericho VS Shawn Michaels VS JBL VS Umaga VS Triple H VS Jeff Hardy
HBK and
Umaga is kickin’ all sorts of ass out there. Seriously, the running ass-ram on
Jericho quickly gets hit with the Sweet Chin Music, and is eliminated.
Oh look at that… HHH casually pedigrees HBK and eliminated him. Whoopsies.
HHH and Jeff fight it out, and eventually Hunter pedigrees Hardy to elimin… WHAT!!!.
Oh, he just got hit with another one on a chair, and Triple H wins. Whew. You had me goin’ there, WWE.
Winner, and going to Wrestlemania: Triple H. What a shocker!