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Monday, January 21, 2008

More Wrestling Conspiracies!

Some more conspiracies have been discovered. They are all related to WWE. Let's take a look at some.


Earlier this month at a house show Trevor Murdoch's tag team partner, Lance Cade, was injured at a house show. Or so he says. You see, Cade and Murdoch lost the World Tag Team titles on Raw's fifteenth anniversary special. Ever since, Cade has not been the same. He has not gotten as drunk at the bars, he has not been happy when he watches Nascar, and his neck isn't as red as it once was. While I was in Texas, I saw a man at a ranch. He was holding a sign that said: "Lance who? Never Heard of Him. I swear. Honest!". There is a picture of the man to the left. I guess he is so miserable that he would fake an injury. Well, he's probably going back to being Garrison.

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