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Friday, January 11, 2008

Roadkill's Royal Rumble Predictions

Hi. I am Roadkill, one of the five bloggers here at are my Royal Rumble 2008 predictions:

First match: JBL vs. Chris Jericho
Winner: Jericho
How: Jericho ducks the closeline from Hell and gets JBL in a roll-up

Second Match: World Heavyweight Championship - Edge vs. Rey Mysterio
Winner: Edge
How: The Edge-Heads trip Rey while he is going for the 619. Edge spears Rey when he gets up.

Third Match: MVP vs. Ric Flair - Career threatning match
Winner: Ric Flair
How: MVP misses the boot to the head. Batista, who would be managing Flair, distracts the ref, so Flair low blows MVP. Then he gives MVP the Figure-Four Leg Lock.

Fourth Match: WWE Championship - Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton
Winner: Jeff Hardy
How: Jeff Hardy reverses the RKO into a Twist of Fate. Then he hits the Swanton Bomb and pins Orton.

Main Event: The Royal Rumble Match
Winner: Randy Orton/Jeff Hardy - Whoever loses the WWE title match
How: That depends. If it is Orton in the match and not Jeff Hardy, Orton and Kane will probably the last two people. Orton would break the chokeslam, then he would throw Kane over the top rope. If it is Jeff Hardy in the Rumble, I think he, Umaga, and Kevin Thorn will be left. Thorn would elimanate Umaga. Jeff Hardy would be down and out. Thorn would go for the crucifix. Jeff would escape the hold. Then he will elimanate Thorn like Beniot elimanated The Big Show. Oh wait! We're supposed to pretend that Beniot never existed because we don't want the media up WWE's butt again. Sorry!!!!!

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