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Monday, January 14, 2008

Wrestling Conspiracies!

A whole bunch of new conspiracies regarding the WWE have been released today. Why don't we look at some:


New findings have shown that the oldest Mcmahon, Vinceth, may have been one of the Roman Emperors. Don't believe me? Take a look at this advertisement on the left. It was from his time, saying that people should come to his special event in the Colisseum called Royal Rumble. It was the day he punished his enemies by making them fight other people. Well, one day, a Rattle snake from Texas bit Vinceth's daughter, Stephanieth. Vinceth was mad. So, Vinceth made the Texas Rattlesnake fight lots of animals and people. He made him fight Snakes named Jake, Gorillas named Monsoon, Hulks, and Vinceth even threw some Rocks at him. Then the Rattlesnake just dissapeared one day. But Vinceth didn't care. He was taking care of Trumpeth, the richest Roman alive. Vinceth didn't like Trumpeth, so at Vinceth's Royal Rumble, It would be Trumpeth's representative vs. Vinceth's representative. If your representative lost, you would be thrown into the pit of humiliation. When you got to the bottom, you would be shaved bald. Anyway, Vinceth's representative was some fat Samoan guy named Umageth. Trumpeth's representative was some guy named Lashleth. But they needed a special inforcer, to make sure no one got seriously hurt. (A special inforcer is stupid. One of them is going to die in the fight anyway.) The special inforcer turned out to be The Texas Rattlesnake. He screwed Vinceth out of the whole thing. Then he Kicked Vinceth in his private parts and poured beer all over his unconcious body.


Evolution was an old stable. Its members were Triple H, Ric Flair, Batista, and Randy Orton. Randy Orton turned on Evolution in the stable's later days. But Evolution wanted revenge. So they beat the living hell out of him. Then they took his World Heavyweight Champion. But further studies show that Evolution invented a time machine and brought Randy Orton into the Age of the Dinosaurs. This was not believed by most people at first, but then Orton got into a fight with his hotel room in May.


At Armageddon 2007, the final pay per view of the year, Edge won the World Heavyweight Title. As we all know, He used clones of himself to win the title. He says the clones were people in costumes, but we found this in his hotel room:

That's right. This is a cheat code. Edge used a cheat code to win the World Title. He really is the ultimate opportunist.


If you have been reading the WWE HISTORY series, you would know that Judas didn't betray Our Savior (Jesus the savior- not Jericho) for 30 peices of gold, rather, Shawn Michaels Superkicked him on the famous talk show, "The Barbaras Shop". But new studiesm have shown that Jesus and Michaels get along rather well. Look at the picture on the top of the page. It is from the night of the Montreal Screwjob. I guess Micheals and Jesus got along in the end.

Posted By Roadkill

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