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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Royal Rumble

posted by deadpossum

Sorry I haven't been blogging for a while but I am back RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW.
Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about Royal Rumble. Just to let you know, my right hand man, Roadkill is coming over to my house for the Pay-Per-View along with a couple other friends who don't blog for this website. Roadkill and I will give you live coverage just as everything is happening for all you wrestling freaks who aren't getting the pay-per-view and can't wait until the next morning to know what happened. You know who you are. So, stick with us here on for all of your coverage. Also, if you are not liking this website, first of all, you can comment and tell me what's wrong with it. And if we don't fix it, no problem because Roadkill has his own website which is probably not as good as this one. That's why he blogs for me. But, I will give you the link, nevertheless. His website is Until next time, goodbye.

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