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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

WWE Juice

Posted By Roadkill

I found this add for WWE's newest peice of merchandise. It is called WWE Juice. Take a look:

Feel like a wimp? Want to beat the hell out of someone? Are you Funaki? Then try WWE juice. It solves all your problems. It makes you stronger. It makes you angrier. In fact, if you are a girl, it will make you similar to a man, and if you are a man, it will make you a girl from the waist down. And if you are Funaki, say goodbye to being a cruiserweight. Just look what happened to little Johnnny after he had WWE Juice:

Wow! What a diffrence. Now I bet mean 'ol Butch won't stand a chance against him. So try WWE Juice. It isn't FDA approved , but Signature Pharmacy sells it.

I am Vince Mcmahon and I approve this message- as long as it makes my wrestlers look stronger.

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