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Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Top Ten: Week of 1/14/08

Every week I rank the Top Ten Superstars in the WWE. Here are the rankings for the Week of 1/14/08:

  1. Jeff Hardy. He retained the Intercontinental title and almost took out the WWE Champion- all in one week. Let's see how he does at the Rumble.
  2. Edge. He got his soon to be family member an Ecw title shot. He also won a tag team match on Smackdown.
  3. Chavo Guerrero. He will get an Ecw title shot on Tuesday. He also won a tag team match with Edge on Smackdown.
  4. Hornswoggle. He won the Mini Royal Rumble on Raw.
  5. Triple H. He will get another shot at a Royal Rumble spot on Monday. But also, did you see what he did to the Titantron?!
  6. The Great Khali. He beat the living heck out of Finlay on Smackdown. On Friday, it will be Finlay vs. The Great Khali in a Belfast Brawl. I wonder who's going to win that one.
  7. The Undertaker. He stood up to Big Daddy V on Smackdown. On Friday, it will be The Undertaker vs. Big Daddy V. That should be a good one.
  8. JBL. He told Jericho's kids not to watch their father at Royal Rumble. He's got nerve.
  9. Shelton Benjamin. He beat Nunzio on Ecw. That win got him a spot in the Royal Rumble. There "ain't no stoppin' him".
  10. Ric Flair. He beat William Regal on Raw. His career will live on- but not if MVP has something to say about it.

posted by roadkill


deadpossum said...

Dear Roadkill,

I am sure I am your biggest fan but you dissappointed me in this blog. How you may ask? Simple. Edge and Chavo didn't win on Smackdown. If you are not sure of something do not post it. You will see at the bottom of your blog that this was posted by deadpossum. That's because my favorite blogger now is deadpossum. You suck at blogging and you lost my respect for you.

deadpossum said...

Go to hell deadopossum


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