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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Another uneventful edition of Roadkill's corner

Posted by Roadkill

Welcoem to another craptastical edition of Roadkill's corner, the worst thing on this website. It's also pretty contreversial for the internet. Next to internet porn and that Youtube video where the 2 girls beat up that other girl, it's the most screwed up thing about the internet. I know when someone does something "contreversial" now, they've usually made a racist comment toward black people. (Michael Hayes, if you read that last sentence, I'm sorry- but I'm not sorry that you got suspended for using the n word). Anyway, I've been thinking about Cyber Sunday- the PPV where fans vote for what they want to see. Usually the voting is fixed or they urge you to vote a certain way, but it's still cool. Anyway, here's what I want to see at the next Cyber Sunday, which is this October:
Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly vs. Cryme Tyme- Tag Team Titles- Pick the match type- Elimanation tag, No DQ tag, Table
Elimanation tag wins
U.S. title Matt Hardy vs. Chuck Palumbo vs.- you pick the 3rd participant- Mark Henry, MVP, Elijah Burke
Elijah Burke wins
Divas battle royal, winner is #1 contender for Women's title- You pick the match type- Lungerie battle royal, Water Gun Battle Royal, Halloween Costume Battle Royal
Haloween Costume Battle Royal wins
Finaly vs. Shelton Benjamin- Should Hornswoggle be special ref?
Hornswoggle wins
Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk- Winner gets Punk's Mr.Money in the bank breifcase- pick the match type- Ladder, Hardcore, elimanation
Ladder wins
ECW Title Chavo Guererro vs Mick Foley- which face of Foley should compete?
Mankind wins
WHC match- The Undertaker vs. ?- Pick the opponent- The Great Khali, Batista, Edge
It is a tie between 3 way tie, so it's a fatal-four way.
WWE Title match- Triple H vs. John Cena- Pick the match type- Falls Count Anywhere, Steel Cage, Street Fight
Falls Count Anywhere wins
Well, that's it for Roadkill's corner. See ya in a week or so.

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