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Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Top Ten: Week of 4/14/08

Posted by Majoordood

Here are this week's rankings:

  1. Mickie James. She finally won the Women's title. Finally.
  2. Batista. He earned himself a title shot and he beat up Y2J.
  3. Chavo Guerrero and Bam Neely. Yeah, it was a pretty slow week.
  4. Carlito and Santino Marella earned themselves title shots.
  5. Kane and The Undertaker beat the tag champs.
  6. Kelly Kelly won a diva dance-off.
  7. CM Punk, Shanon Moore, Jimmy Wang-Yang, and Kofi Kingston were all victorious as partners.
  8. JBL. He was the last guy left after the little brawl on Raw.
  9. Chris Jericho. He beat Umaga on Raw, but HBK also kicked the crap out of him.
  10. Randy Orton beat William Regal.

UNHONORABLE MENTION: Mike Adamle or whatever the hell his name is is a horrible announcer. Saying stuff like "Kofi, Jamaican me crazy", "Uno, Dos, Adios" and "Get Bizzay" just sucks.

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