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Monday, April 21, 2008

How much was Wrestlemania really worth?

Posted by Roadkill

Sorry guys. The SD rant is coming. I was cleaning out my attic, so I couldn't really blog today. Anyway, Wrestlemania was a big PPV. It cost $54 to order. But was it worth the money? Let's observe each match:

Finaly vs. JBL
This match wasn't too good I am using my random 6 star rating key here, so I'd give this match 2 out of 6 stars. For every vacant star, I take off a dollar, so right now, WM was worth $50.

MITB ladder match
This match was arguably the best match of the night. I won't take any off for this. 6 out of 6 star match

Batista vs. Umaga
Better than Finaly/JBL, but worse than the MITB match. I give this 3 out of 6 stars. Right now, Wrestlemania was worth $47.

Kane vs. Chavo Guerrero, ECW title
This was not the worst match because Kane won, but it was the worst match because it lasted 8 seconds. I'll give this the benefit of the doubt, with 1 out of 6 stars. WM24 was only worth $42 so far.

HBK vs. Ric Flair
This was the best match I've seen in a damn long time, so I'll give it 6 of 6 stars. I'll even add $3 because it was so good. WM24 is now worth $45 dollars.

Bunnymania match
Boring. Very boring. 0 stars for this one. So far, WM was woth 39 dollars.

WWE title match, Triple H vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Not the best title match, but not the worst either. I'll give this match 4 out of 6 stars, making Wrestlemania 24 a $37 PPV.

Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather
Not great, not bad, but not so good. I'll give it 3 of 6 stars. WM is worth $34.

Edge vs. The Undertaker
Weird choice for a main event. HBK vs. Flair should've been the main event if the WWE title match wasn't. I give this match 4 out of 6 stars, making WM24 a 32 dollar PPV.

Man, Wrestlemania was only worth $32! That's less than the price for an average PPV! Oh well. I'll do the same thing for Backlash, and let's hope that it's worth more WM24.

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