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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stone Cold and Debrah's wedding

Posted by Majoordood

Hey people. The Smackdown Rant will be coming later in the week. In Roadkill's area (New York) Smackdown didn't air last night, but it will air tonight. Roadkill is said to be in his storage closet, crying. Anywho, it's still wedding month here on deadopossum, so today I'll be recapping Stone Cold and Debrah's wedding.

Stone Cold comes down the isle. Howard Finkel says, "Making his may to the altar, Stone Cold Steve Austin".

The best man is a can of beer.

Stone Cold gives everyone the finger and stunners the flower girl on her way down the isle.

Every time the priest says Stone Cold's name, JR screams, "STONE COLD! STONE COLD! STONE COLD!"

When the priest turns to read the John 3:16 passage, he finds John's name scratched out and replaced with Austin.

When it's time for the couple to kiss, Austin just punches his new mate.

Chuck Palumbo's present to Austin is a baseball bat. His card reads, "Steve, the present will come in handy when you start to hate each other." Wow, I guess Chuck was right.

Years later, JR and King are calling all the great matches between Steve and Debrah. They call every shot, from the first punch to the chair shot to the lamp-over-the-head to the knife-to-the-neck.

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