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Friday, March 21, 2008

50 things a fan should do before he/she dies/ Welcome new readers

Posted by (Surprise!) Roadkill

On my site, I wrote a list of 50 things a WWE fan should do before he/she dies. I want you all to see that list, so here is the link:

Also, welcome new readers. I know that alot of you are new here so let me tell you what we're about and how things work. Deadoposuum is our boss. He blogs about whatever the hell he wants to. CD619 does trivia and makes fun of superstars. DEADGUY 1313 (who has been missing lately) does the corner of the undead (which is temporarily cancelled). I, Roadkill, am second in command. I work very hard. I rant about Smackdown (The Smackdown Rant), review old PPVs (Blast from the past PPV Recapitation), make fake newstories (DEADOPOSSUM DATELINE), Rank ring gear, (Gear Tournament), talk about PPVs, do the monthly award show (The Savagies), Make WWE laws (LOW:THE LAWS OF WRESTLING), Rant (Roadkill's Corner), and I have my own site ( . So I'm pretty busy. By the way, those things in parentheses were post labels for each segment we do. If you look below each blog, sometimes you will see something that says "Post Labels" and there will be a word next to it. Click on the word, and you will see all the blogs about that subject.
JayBlue 22, our newest memeber of the crew, has written 1 blog. 3 months ago. Not so sure he's that dedicated.
Finally, making his long awaited return later this week, is Majoordood(formerly known as Vampire 13). He is now taking over "Best of the Week" and "The Top Ten", 2 segments that I used to do.
So, I guess you've got the feel of things. Go read now! To read old articles, go to the blog archive, which is on the right hand side near the bottom of the page.

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