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Saturday, March 8, 2008

Roadkill's Look at Wrestlemania: part 2

Posted by Roadkill

Latley I have been previewing Wrestlemania 24 matches. Today I will peview 2 matches:

Batista vs. Umaga
It will be a battle of the brands as Batista, representing Smackdwon, collides with the samoan bulldozer Umaga, who will represent Raw. Umaga decimates most of his opponents. Batista decimates most of his opponents as well. Personally, I think Batista will win this match. If he can win, it will give his a monster of a push.

The Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather
Floyd Mayweather fought Oscar De La Hoya on PPV. That PPV was ordered by the most people in PPV history. Mayweather was a heel, but WWE is smart enough to make him a face in this rivalry. There are so many flaws in this match. 1st of all, it should be a boxing match, since Mayweather is a boxer and Big Show almost became a boxer during his time off. Second of all, Mayweather's promos for this match all suck. I'm pretty convinced that we're seeing a heel vs. heel match here. And for the winner, Floyd will win. But really, who cares? This rivalry sucks, and I don't even consider Mayweather a "celeb". Boxing is old and washed up. They should've stuck with Donald Trump.

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