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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Sorry/ NBA Site

posted by deadpossum

First, I would like to start off saying that I am truthfully sorry I haven't been blogging lately. I've had so much work to do but Spring Break made everything better and I, Deadpossum is back. But, this post is really about a new site that I made. You may be asking yourself: How does Deadpossum catch up with all of his blogs? The answer is simple...I don't! That's why I haven't blogged here in a month. Anyway, the new site I made is called . It is about information on the NBA (National Basketball Association) and spoilers about players and coaches private information. Most of you know what spoilers are because we mention them in ALMOST EVERY POST so if you don't know what spoilers are, you should get eyeglasses. So go on . Also blogging there will be my friend, deadguy 321.

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