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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Roadkill's Corner

Posted by Roadkill

Here is how to win GM mode in SD vs. Raw 2008: (It's crazy and it works)

Be Raw. Pick Shawn Michaels and Rey Mysterio. Sign each of them for a year. Exit the draft.

Make HBK clean and Rey dirty. Make HBK WWE Champ and Rey the IC Champ.

On the options menu, make Injuries off, put it on legend difficulty, and put the card on re-run.

Buy the Undisputed champion rivalry and Legend killer rivalry. (Legend killer rivalry is already bought).

Make a 13 week long rivalry between Rey and HBK. Use the Undisputed Champion or Legend killer rivalry

For the first Raw, use this match card:

1st: IC Champ, normal match
2nd: Ladder match
3rd: TLC match
4th: Hardcore match
5th: Steel Cage, WWE Title

For the months of April and May, your week will go like this:
Monday: Raw
Tuesday: Shawn Michaels Fan Favorite training
Wednesday: Rey Mysterio Fan heat training
Thursday: HBK Fan Favorite training
Friday: Rey Mysterio fan heat training

Hint: Do not skip over Raw by all means DO NOT SKIP OVER RAW! I did it once and it was a blank match card. That means no show! And the fans hate that.

After May, your week will go like this for the rest of the year:

Monday: Raw
Tuesday: Trophy date- HBK
Wed.: Trophy Date -Rey Mysterio
Thur.: Trophy date- HBK
Fri.: Trophy Date- Rey Mysterio

Your PPVs should go like this:
1st: TLC match
2nd: Hardcore
3rd: 20-minute Ironman
4th: IC title- steel cage
5th: WWE title- Hell in a cell

Hints: You may get off to a slow start, but that's okay. The slow start is worth the 73 5 star matches you have.
Run Promos. You will have the thing in the bag before Survivor Series.
Mcmahon pulls you aside and tells you you're GM of the year. You may think that is the end, but it's not. Keep playing until Wrestlemania, no matter what.

September and early October are the hardest parts. At Unforgiven, you get 3 matches and a Elimanation Chamber, but you need 6 men for that. Expect a 2 star rating at Unforgiven.
You can't participate in the royal rumble match. Oh well. But hey, if you are the brand with the highest ratings at Wrestlemania, you get the main event.

Tommy Dreamer:
ECW is so bad it's funny. In the game, they are in last and are trailing by 3 million fans. Yet, they send you threats saying that they're gonna beat your brand. It's quite funny, actually, how they threaten you but never do anything.

Last word:
This sounds crazy, but it works. It won me GM mode in 2 1/2 hours

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