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Saturday, March 8, 2008

The top ten: Week of 3/3/08

Posted By Roadkill

Every week I rank the WWE's top ten superstars. Here are the rankings for the week of 3/3/08:

  1. Edge. He pinned The Undertaker on Smackdown. Can he do it again at Wrestlemania 24?
  2. The Big Show. He had a big week (no pun intended). He beat Jamie Noble on Smackdown, and he beat a pro-fighter on Raw. But can he beat Floyd Mayweather at Wrestlemania?
  3. Chavo Guerrero. He successfully defended the ECW title on ECW.
  4. The Miz and John Morrison. Like Chavo and MVP, they successfully defended their titles.
  5. Batista. He didn't win, but he beat the hell out of MVP. Can he finally win the U.S. title in his No-Holds Bared match next week?
  6. Carlito. He got a MITB spot on Raw.
  7. Finlay. He admitted he was the father of Hornswoggle on Raw.
  8. Maria. She unvealed the cover of Playboy on Raw. Santino Marrella wasn't happy.
  9. Chris Jericho. On Raw, he brought back his talkshow, the Highlight Reel.
  10. Randy Orton. He RKO'd his 'mania opponenets once again. He will be the GM for Monday's Wrestlemania Rewind show.

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