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Sunday, March 23, 2008

The top ten: Week of 3/17/08

Posted by Majoordood

Every week, Roadkill ranks the top ten superstars in WWE. But hell, I'm taking over this segement too. This is the second segment I'm stealing from him. He-He. I'm so evil.
  1. Big Show. How many people can say the've knocked Jericho out cold?
  2. Cena. Nice job with Randy Orton.
  3. Randy Orton. Nice job with Cena.
  4. Triple H. He has the most momentum going into Wrestlemania.
  5. Miz and Morriosn. They're a damn good tag team.
  6. Ric Flair. He hit Mr.Mcmahon in the Blarney Stones to win his match. But can he beat Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania?
  7. CM Punk. He won a 6 man tag team match and beat Carlito in the same week.
  8. Chavo Guerrero. He probably ended Colin Delany's career.
  9. Mark Henry. He decimated Khali, Palumbo, and Kane. Nice job!
  10. James Curtis. He's a jobber, but let me tell you something. He's Roadkill's favorite jobber and he's pretty entertaining to watch. Oh God, am I talking this way about a friggin' JOBBER?!

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