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Sunday, March 16, 2008

The top ten: Week of 3/10/08

Posted by Roadkill

Hi. Normally, the top ten is where I rank the WWE's top ten superstars. I'll get to that, but I have to adress something serious now. Very Serious. Jeff Hardy's North Carolina home burned down yesterday. No one was home at the time, and no one was harmed. Now, onto the rankings.

  1. John Morrison. Without the Miz. He won a title match and he qualified for the MITB match. It doesn't get better than that.
  2. Chris Jericho. He won the IC title on Raw.
  3. Edge. He won his incredible steel cage match on Smackdown.
  4. The Big Show. He now has a posse, and he also got an advantage in his Wrestrlemania match. As if he needed an advantage.
  5. CM Punk. He beat Big Daddy V and qualified for the MITB match. Good Job!
  6. MVP. He qualified for the MITB and defended his title all in a week. Just like Morrison.
  7. Finlay. Did you see what he did to Kennedy on Raw?
  8. Randy Orton. He did a great job as GM of Raw. But can he co-exist with Cena to beat the entire Raw Roster tommorow?
  9. Triple H. Nice match with Kane.
  10. Colin Delany and Tommy Dreamer. They didn't win, but I think they craked Morrison's Rock hard Abs.

Good news! Starting next week, I won't be doing the "Best of the Week" and "The top Ten" anymore. Majoordude, my brother will be taking over both segments. Hey, at least I'll have more time to write jokes for the Smackdown Rant.

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