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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I have blogged in the past about conspiracies involving the WWE. I have another. I am Roadkill, and this is:


tonight on Deadopossum dateline we have a few stories, even one regarding Gregory Helms. But first, a story on former WWE Champion and current UFC fighter, Brock Lesnar. Before UFC, Brock played football for the Houstan Texans. Brock was the best player on the team, which kind of surprised me at first, but then I remembered that they were the Houstan Texans. Brock played Runningback with Houstan for two years. He was having fun, but he was mad because he was losing. Then one fateful day the Texans played the 0-7 Miami Dolphins. One of the Dolphins players scored a touchdown. After the play, he scored a 2-point conversion. Then, when Brock was going for a hand-off, he dropped the ball, causing a Dolphins defender to pick it up and run it in for a Touchdown. This caused Brock to snap. So he attacked one of the Dolphin's players. It was the quarterback, I believe. Brock was charged with a fine of F-5 dollars.

Top Story: Gregory Helms

A new developement is showing that Gregory Helms was never injured by Chris Benoit earlier last year. He faked the injury. Why? The answer is simple. The day prior, Helms had bought a time machine at Best Buy. He used it to go back to the middle ages. There he became America's most wanted Sex Offender. I know, this story is hard to cover. Here is a picture of him after flashing a girl.

I am very outraged by this story. We will have more developments next time on Dateline. Also next time on dateline, Santino Marrella, a character from Super Mario? Tune in next week for more Dateline.

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