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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Posted by Roadkill

A few months back I posted a blog about the cliches of wrestling. Here are some more Laws of Wrestling:

  • If you're in the Royal Rumble, just press slam that guy in the middle of the ring. You can always elimanate him later.
  • Getting hit double-teamed in a triple threat match may cause you to black out for 10-15 minutes.
  • Getting hit with a sledgehammer, being put on fire, or being put through a table will have you out of action for just a few days, but tearing your quads can put you on the shelf for a YEAR!
  • Choking your opponent has no effect, but punching him after you do a dance is UNBEATABLE AND LETHAL!!!!
  • If Hogan starts shaking his fists, don't hit him, walk away.
  • When Steve Austin appears, JR must Yell "STONE COLD!" four or five times.
  • Attempted Murder is not a crime in a wrestling arena.
  • Attacking someone who is going for a pinfall is all you need to break it up, even if he is still covering the person.
  • Celebrity Wrestling means RATINGS!!!! Just look at Celebrity Deathmatch. What do you mean that show was cancelled?!

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