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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

No Way Out

No way Out 2008 is coming. I want to talk about the elimanation chamber matches. The winner will get a title shot at Wrestlemania 24. The 1st chamber will include JBL, Umaga, Triple H, Chris Jericho (who needs a new hair due. Geez), Shawn Michaels, and Jeff Hardy. We all know who is going to win. I will give you a hint. "At No Way Out 2008, THHHere will be an Elimanation CHHHamber." Well Gee Whiz Roadkill, I still don't know who is gonna win. Okay, I'll give you another hint. Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Gee Roadkill, I still don't know. Could you spell it out for me? Damn it you 'tards! It's HHH! TRIPLE H! Now that you know that I am going to predict the order of elimanation for the match:

  1. The first man elimanated will be JBL. He will tap out to a walls of Jericho.
  2. Shawn Michaels is the next guy gone. He will be pinned after a Samoan Spike.
  3. Then Chris Jericho will be elimanated. He will be pinned after a Pedigree followed by a Swanton Bomb.
  4. Umaga is on his way out. He is pinned after he misses the Samoan Knee and Jeff Hardy gets him in a roll-up.
  5. Finally, Jeff Hardy will be pinned after a Pedigree.

Here is your winner: TRIPLE H!!!!

And that is what I think will happen at No Way Out. Next I recap the smackdown chamber.

posted by roadkill

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