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Thursday, February 7, 2008

No Way Out 2008: The Smackdown Elimanation Chamber

As we know, there will be 2 elimanation chamber matches at No Way Out. The winner of each chamber will get a title shot at Wrestlemania. I already covered the Raw chamber, so now onto the Smackdown one. The Smackdown Elimanation Chamber will include Batista (HYEAHUGH),
MVP, The Great Khali, Finlay, Big Fatty V, and (Teddy Long's favorite) The Undertaker. Wait a sec! Big Flabby V is in this match! WWE is gonna lose alot of dough this month. Cena/Orton best of eternity series better be good enough to headline 'mania. That can't afford anything else. How are you going to have 2 chambers in one night. A pink slip for Funaki. More importantly, how are you going to fit Big Daddy V inside the chamber? Tell Funaki's kids that being homeless isn't that bad. Wait, how is Raw gonna fit Umaga in that chamber? I guess it's time for Stevie Richards to go to Shady Shoals Retirement home. Anyway, here is what I think the order of elimanation will be for The Smackdown Chamber:

  1. MVP is pinned after Finlay's Celtic cross.
  2. Finlay is pinned after a Khali Bomb.
  3. Big Daddy V taps out to the Undertaker's new move.
  4. Batista is pinned after a chokeslam followed by a Khali Bomb.
  5. The Great Khali taps out to 'Taker's submission move.

Here is your winner: THE UNDERTAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by roadkill

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