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Friday, February 22, 2008

Another Superstar

Posted by Roadkill

I know that CD619 usually does this segment and calls it "A Superstar", but screw him. He thinks that Cena should be WWE champ. Oh wait, he hates Cena. No he doesn't. Anyway, that's exactly who I wanted to talk about. No, not Cena, the superheros of the WWE. First there is HHHe-man. He is not talented, in fact, he doesn't have any powers. The only reason he is a Superhero is because he is keeping Stephzilla occupied. Speaking of Stephzilla, she is our next Hero. She is the boss' daughter, yet she is not human. She is too fat too be. She is Stephzilla. Vince Mcmahon hired HHHe-man to keep Stephzilla under control. Here is a picture of Stephzilla:

Then there is Supercena. He is destined to win every match for the rest of his career. But then there is his archenemy, Randy Orton. He has a life-time supply of Cenanite. Nah, he just RKO's him alot.

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