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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Entrance Changes???????????????????????????

posted by deadopossum

What's up with everyone switching their entrances???????? I mean Mr.Kennedy has a girl singing his theme song now. She sounds like an alto (I don't even know what that means but I know it is about singing). The only logical way why Kennedy changed his theme song is because that is his girlfriend singing. Hey, that gives me an idea, she can be the new Lillian Ha.....I mean Jillian Hall, I am sorry I made that mistake. On to Jeff Hardy, he also has a girl singing and I can't even understand what she's saying. That is also his girlfriend singing. Oh, wait, he already gets 20,000 every time he goes to a new arena. I had a feeling he was going to switch his theme song soon but this is worse than Mr.Kennedy's and that is TERRIBBLE!!!!!
I'm sorry for you little kids who were caught off guard and were scared by the big letters..............Sorry little guys. Anyway, who is going to change their entrances next, Undertaker? He's had that entrance for about ten years. (Oh wait, he hasn't been alive for ten years). Next, since everyone's changing their music from hard rock to kiddy music. Undertaker's song will change to The Candy Man. No, you never heard of it. Well,'t start listening to it, it will give you brain damage.

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