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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mr.Kennedy vs. Flair/ Chavo vs. Punk

Posted by Roadkill

At No Way Out, (which is this sunday), there will be 2 elimanation chambers. But forget them, I already recapped them. But here is a macth I haven't recapped. Mr.Kennedy vs. Ric Flair. If Rickety Ric loses, his career is over. Personally, I think it will be a close call, but Richie Rich will win. He beat MVP at the Royal Rumble, Randy Orton, Triple H, Umaga, and even William Regal to keep his career alive. If he can do that, I'm sure he can beat Kennedy. This is a good match to have at No Way Out. Even though the outcome is obvious, it could lead to a Wrestlemania match. There has been talk that Flair's last match will be at the grandest stage of them all. Speaking of 'Mania, why is it the "Grandaddy of 'em all". It's the only 24 year-old grandaddy I know. Atleast outside of the Indian Reserves territory.

Another match that will happen at No Way Out is Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk for the ECW title. On ECW last week, Punk beat Chavo in a gulf of mexico match. Last night, he beat the hell out of Mark Henry and Chavo. But I still think that Chavo will win at No Way Out. He hasn't had the belt too long, and Chavo winning could set up a great 'Mania match. It could be an extreme rules match. Even though ECW's idea of extreme is a Dreamer DDT.

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